Nurgle Renegade knight
Recommendations: 71
About the Project
I Bought the Renegade Boxset, and i wanted to make a renegade nurgle knight and this was the result. in hindsight i should have photoed each stage
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
I used some BB’s to make the huge boils on the upper hatch , and the loin banner is a standard from the plague bearer kit. The body and legs are magnetised, as well as the gun arm and carapace weapons. I ( insert random excuse ) , and didn’t magnetise the power fist arm
From start to finish , the build and painting took 3 days. and i feel i could sleep for weeks now … lol
The stuff oozing from the holes , is fine sand, nurgles rot technical paint with a light hi-light of ogryn camo
A old friend helped me do the copper edging. With out his help and advice this would not look as half as good as it does
The warhead on the rocket pod, are painted in the chemical weapons identification colours
My last step with any vehicles i paint , was to name it
as in
the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
This project has mentally exhausted me, i would do it again but not to soon. I have sent the photos to GW , so it might be on their big knight painting stream and the warhammer TV guys have stated they love it. Please feel free to use any of the ideals i have used in this build. but please do show us pictures of your own build