Osprey Games are now taking pre-orders for the newest supplement for The Silver Bayonet coming in November 2024. Italy: The Shades Of Calabria, will be taking you to a new location for your Napoleonic Horror adventures.
TTCombat is taking pre-orders for a pair of new Carnevale warbands for use around the canals of Venice in their horror-filled 32mm skirmish game. We lead with The Doctors and their team of Underwater Researchers.
Gehenna Gaming are closing in on the very final hours of their BackerKit campaign to bring Eldritch Automata, a unique-sounding roleplaying game to life. Bringing Mecha-based badassery and cosmic horror together, Eldritch Automata sounds like a bit of a wild ride!
Warcradle Studio has announced the miniatures coming for August and Dystopian Wars. The Xenophon is front and centre with a new Battlefleet Set from Warcradle for those playing as the Enlightened.
Eureka Miniatures has added some new miniatures to their collection for those seeking a Pulp adventure during the Napoleonic period. You can add to your zombie horde with some shambling but celebratory zombies.
Steamforged Games is closing in on the launch of their Kickstarter for Iron Kingdoms: Strangelight Workshop, a 5th Edition standalone roleplaying game set against the backdrop of occult investigations in the world of the Iron Kingdoms. Alongside the book, you'll also be able to get miniatures...
Cubicle 7 are now on Kickstarter with their roleplaying game, Victoriana. Head to the cobbled streets of 1887 London and take on the role of Irregulars as you investigate the strange and the dangerous during a time of revolution.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into a Wild West project with a twist, some Deathship One miniatures and an excellent Nottingham Shire Hall terrain build.
Atomic Mass Games are introducing the Weapon X Program and more from the world of X-Men to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. These two sets are available to pre-order now ahead of a September release.
Warlord Games has added another set of miniatures to their Judge Dredd collection. You can get your hands on the Lone Wolves, providing Dredd with some alternative targets to track down across Mega-City One.
Warcradle Studios has previewed the products that are going to be coming out when Armoured Clash launches later this year. If you're looking to dive into 10mm battles in the Dystopian Age then you've got some great options coming your way.
Joey McGuire's Post-Apocalyptic 28mm skirmish game is coming back with a new edition. World End Publishing is working with Black Site Studio to get you back to the tabletop in This Is Not A Test.
Antediluvian Miniatures, alongside sculptor Matt Bickley, are going to be adding some new monster hunters to their Lost World range soon. See what you make of these Salty Sea Monster Hunters!
Edge Studio will be releasing a brand new roleplaying game set in the Arkham Horror universe made popular by Fantasy Flight Games' card and board games. A new Arkham Horror: The Roleplaying Game Starter Set is going to be available in August.
Check out our Indie Of The Week picks from each OnTableTop Weekender! Whether it's a great Sci-Fi wargaming range, a new Fantasy epic or something for the discerning Historical wargamer, you'll be able to find our weekly segments within!
Join us this week for a look back into a mammoth Kingdom Death project, some awesome spring cleaning and a bit of wonderful whimsy with Moonstone.
Studio Historia Miniatures has recently added a new set of 28mm figures to their webstore for you to pick up and use in your games of The Silver Bayonet. The Napoleonic Dread French Unit, originally sculpted by Koolkiwi, can be picked up as physical miniatures from Studio Historia right now.
Bob Murch has now made the Pulp British Zulu Wars range available for sale, ready for those looking to dive into some Pulp adventures during the Victorian era.
We check out some ace Fallout characters, a stunning unit of Space Marine Terminators and also some very tiny terrain which has come together really nicely, packed with detail!
Steamforged Games are going to soon be launching their campaign for the Strangelight Workshop, an Iron Kingdoms RPG standalone game looking into the occult and the otherworldly investigations of the Iron Kingdoms universe that plays host to the likes of Warmachine.
Kore Games are on Kickstarter right now during the final days of their latest campaign aiming to bring 28mm Vehicles Of The 80s to the tabletop! Use these for all manner of miniature games, perhaps within the realm of the Pulp?
Lucid Eye has been releasing some awesome new miniatures for Savage Core 2 as well as the rules for the game. There is a great collection of beasts for their Pulp skirmish game but you could also use these for the myriad of other games out there like Frostgave for example!
TTCombat are taking pre-orders for a couple of new sets of figures for use in their 32mm wargame, Carnevale. The Knights Of Silence are now stalking the streets and canals of Venice looking for the enemies of the Vatican.
Modiphius is continuing to release fun new miniatures for their Fallout miniatures games. Some new miniatures can be picked up from their webstore right now which could be used in both Wasteland Warfare and Factions, the newest game in their collection.
Modiphius is closing in on the final days of their Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Kickstarter campaign. This takes you into a Cthulhu-themed solo and cooperative clash during the time of the Roman Empire as your Legions (and their uneasy allies) battle against the threat of cultists and more!
Warcradle Studios has previewed the new releases coming to Dystopian Wars in the month of July. There are some legendary additions to the range coming up next month for the Crown and the Commonwealth.
Olmec Games are going to be coming to the world of The Drowned Earth soon via a new Kickstarter which launches on the 28th June. You'll be able to pick up brand new HQ Models for the different factions in this Post-Apocalyptic skirmish game plus options for jumping in for the first time.
Olmec Games' The Drowned Earth is going to be coming to Kickstarter soon with a new campaign that takes your factions Into The Wilds! You can check out the Kickstarter Landing Page and watch out for the launch of the campaign on 28th June!
Join us for this week's Community Spotlight as we have a peek at some ace Viking raiders, the British in sweltering Burma and a something different with Trench Crusade!
RavenClaw Miniatures are offering up another suite of awesome classic wargaming miniatures in 28mm for you to use in all manner of different tabletop games. This time, they are heading to tombs and crypts in the depths of the desert with more Classic Undead.
Wargames Atlantic has got two big plastic sets for you to dive into and scoop up for use in your 28mm tabletop games. We start with some snarling killers and a set of plastic Werewolves which you could use in all sorts of neat Horror/Fantasy adventures.
We give you a primer to the upcoming 10mm wargame by Warcradle Studios, Armoured Clash! After checking out the game at UK Games Expo this year and learning more from the designers, we give you a taster of what's to come with Armoured Clash!
Gerry sits down with SIXMOREVODKA designer Liam to talk about the development of Clan Wars alongside CMON, the miniature skirmish game set in the Primal Punk world of the Degenesis roleplaying game.
Atomic Mass Games has another awesome character pack coming to the 40mm skirmishes of Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Asgardian heroes find themselves combating the machinations of Loki as he threatens to bring the realm of the gods to its knees!
Gerry dives into the new miniatures board game from Free League Publishing, Zone Wars. Zone Wars is set in the Mutant Year Zero roleplaying world and uses 32mm plastic miniatures. This Post-Apocalyptic game comes from legendary designer, Andy Chambers!
In this week's Community Spotlight, we're having a look at some comic book heroes, a sneaky Lictor out and about and some Ancient Greeks diving into mythical adventures.
Crooked Dice has now released their second wave of 80s-inspired miniatures for use in your games of 7TV. There are some awesome miniatures on the way that will be nostalgia fodder for a lot of folks looking to relive their youth on the tabletop.
Join us for another Community Spotlight where we're looking at some stunning Slaine miniatures, some puppet-based antics in Relics and a good tutorial on designing dark, fantasy woodland.
Warcradle Studios has been showing off the newest range of previews for Dystopian Wars. The focus right now is on some terrifying colossi for the Enlightened that will be surging out of the waves, ready to drag ships to their deep demise.
Warlord Games has announced that Andy Chambers, legendary game designer, is joining the Konflikt '47 design team. This 28mm Weird World War wargame's universe, rules and more are evolving.
AntiMatter Games is showing off a new Starter Set that will be coming for their game, DeepWars. Kraken Reef will see the Ancients of Atalán facing off against the Dark Mariners as you look to uncover lost artefacts.
CMON and the amazing creators from SIXMOREVODKA have collaborated on a brand new skirmish board game for two-to-five players that takes place in their amazing world of Degenesis. Degenesis: Clan Wars is available on Gamefound right now.