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The Cities Of Sigmar! Best Age Of Sigmar Army Yet OR Has GW Jumped The Shark? #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! In this episode, we're having a look at the last set of Cities Of Sigmar miniatures for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. Are they the best-looking army yet for The Mortal Realms or has Games Workshop jumped the shark with this one? Let us know!

Unboxing: HexTech Terrain – Great For BattleTech & More | Gale Force Nine

1 year ago 1

Gerry and John break out the BattleTech miniatures and review the awesome new HexTech Terrain that you can now get from Gale Force Nine to use when building your gaming tables!

The Best Pulp Game Returns! 2 New Shadows Of Brimstone Adventures On Kickstarter! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! The best Pulp game has returned with 2 massive new adventures available from Flying Frog Productions for Shadows Of Brimstone over on Kickstarter. Dive in and play out some amazing Pulp campaigns with a host of brilliant new miniatures and adventures in an Egyptian tomb or aboard a train that is bound for Hell!

Mantic’s Firefight = The Best Sci-Fi Wargame? New Book, Rules & More Coming Soon! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Mantic Games' Firefight is looking like it could end up being a serious contender to Warhammer 40,000. Their 28mm scale game of the year Sci-Fi wargame set in the Warpath universe is getting a brand new expansion taking it to the next level with new miniatures, vehicles, rules and more. Is it the best Sci-Fi wargame out there?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Fair Play, House Rules & Dealing With Cheaters!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into some of our hobby that we've been up to but also have a discussion about fair play, cheating and the "spirit of the rules". We also ask about what kind of house rules you use with your friends in order to have the most fun at the tabletop.

Warning! New Viking Miniatures Will Raid Your Wallet! Ragnarok Is Here! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Colin Patten has been working on his largest collection ever with one hundred and fifty (150!) individual 28mm Viking miniatures for your Dark Age games. This isn't just a raid, this is Ragnarok and the Sons of Odin are coming for your wallet! If you're interested in Vikings then you must see this range of models.

Martian Models’ Shipyards Are Ready To Explore A Billion Suns


Martian Models have just launched their page on MyMiniFactory with a collection of spaceships that are ready for any tabletop game but have been designed with one eye on corporate fleets for A Billion Suns and to celebrate their fleet taking flight there is a 15% sale until the end of June!

Battle In Favelas With The Lazy Forger’s New 6mm Terrain Kits


The Lazy Forger are back with some more awesome releases for those seeking to battle through tiny (and exquisite) terrain in 6mm scale. This time around your mechs, vehicles and troops of the Sci-Fi future are going to be battling through Favelas.

Mordheim Creator’s Brand New Grimdark Wargame Revealed, Trench Crusade! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Tuomas Pirinen, the creator behind the 28mm grimdark wargame, Mordheim, has set his sights on a brand new miniatures game featuring themes of heaven and hell called Trench Crusade. Featuring a brand-new set of  32mm miniatures from James Sheriff and with artwork by Mike Franchina, this is looking like an epic new grimdark wargame.

Snag Ace 6mm Miniatures & Mighty Ships From GHQ Models


GHQ Models have dropped a whole host of new 6mm and 1/2400th scale releases for you to have a peek at if you're looking to dive into some Modern wargaming from throughout the 20th Century. 

The Lazy Forger Releases Stunning New 6mm Sci-Fi Terrain!


If you're looking for some excellent 6mm Sci-Fi terrain then you can't go too far wrong when it comes to The Lazy Forger and their offerings. These terrain pieces would be brilliant for the likes of BattleTech or their own game, Full Spectrum Dominance. 

Battletech Mercenaries! NEW Big Mechs For Hire In Resurgent Wargame & Undead Unearthed #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! This week, Warren gets into the Spring Clean Challenge by unearthing a cemetery's worth of undead fiends for gaming with his kids and the Battletech Mercenaries provide some big guns and more for the hard Sci-Fi tabletop wargame.

FREE Rules For Warhammer 40K 10th Edition! Has GW Nailed It This Time? #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! This week, we're looking at all of the news coming out of Adepticon for Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, Kill Team and more. The BIG news was the announcement of Warhammer 40k 10th Edition which is going to be starting with FREE Rules for everyone!

Catalyst’s BattleTech Mercenaries Stomps Onto Kickstarter


Catalyst Game Labs have taken to Kickstarter to expand their BattleTech range with a new set of miniatures and more. BattleTech: Mercenaries comes packed with lots of content for those wanting to dive deeper into this Sci-Fi wargame.

GF9 Expands Battlefield In A Box Range With Hextech!


Gale Force Nine has announced a new addition to their Battlefield In A Box range. A new partnership has come together as they have worked with Thunderhead Studio to produce a new fully painted Sci-Fi terrain for use in your smaller-scale mech games like BattleTech, Steel Rift and the like!

Mantic Games’ Deadzone! The Perfect Alternative To Warhammer 40K & Kill Team? #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! We have a look at the excellent new Starter Set coming up for Mantic Games' Deadzone. This is turning out to be a perfect alternative to Warhammer 40K and their Sci-Fi skirmish game, Kill Team. 

Dive Into Ancient Greek Naval Wargaming With Thalassa!


Wargames Illustrated has, in their latest issue, shown off a brand new Ancient Naval Wargame called Thalassa! Take on the role of Ancient Greek commanders taking to the Aegean Sea with their Triremes and Penteconters as part of a fun new wargame. 

Finest Dragon Miniatures For Fantasy Wargaming? We Think We Found Them! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! We think we might have found the finest dragon miniatures for use in your fantasy wargaming. We have a look at some stunning miniatures from Cast N' Play for use in your Fantasy wargames and roleplaying adventures like Dungeons & Dragons.

Bring Full Spectrum Dominance To Life With The Lazy Forger


The Lazy Forger are currently over on MyMiniFactory raising funds to bring the first digital edition of Full Spectrum Dominance to life on the tabletop. This is their 3mm to 15mm Sci-Fi wargame featuring awesome troops, vehicles, walkers and more battling it out on small tabletops packed with stunning terrain. 

Let’s Play: Full Spectrum Dominance (6mm Sci-Fi Wargame!) | The Lazy Forger


Get stuck into a Let's Play of the awesome Full Spectrum Dominance from The Lazy Forger as Gerry clashes with Jack in this small-scale Sci-Fi wargame.

Microworld Games Battle With 6mm Renaissance Soldiers


Microworld Games continue the release of fun 6mm wargaming miniatures with another peek into the realm of the Historical. A new set of "Generic Renaissance" miniatures have been added to their webstore to be used alongside various empires, factions and the like during the period. 

Community Spotlight: Crimson Skies, A Mighty Maiden & TINY Flames Of War


In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some amazing planes, a mighty maiden and Flames Of War on a much smaller scale than 15mm!

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Game Are You Most Thankful For?


Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this episode, we dive in and ask a pretty big question. What game are you most thankful for? Is there a game out there that had a massive impact on you and your tabletop gaming journey?

The Lazy Forger Crafts Warehouses & Full Spectrum Dominance


The Lazy Forger has been working away on some fun new projects of late. The first of these that we're going to be having a look at is the new set of Storage Warehouses in 6mm scale which can be fought over by your small-scale (but huge!) armies.

New Star Wars Miniatures Game! Shatterpoint; Is The Force With These Big New Minis? #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! A new Star Wars miniatures game has been revealed! Star Wars: Shatterpoint is coming from the folks at Atomic Mass Games in 2023 and features small-scale squad-based games between characters like Anakin, Assaj, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Dooku, Maul and more. Is The Force with Atomic Mass Games and their new game?

Ford Tiny Rivers With Battlescale’s New 6/10mm Terrain


Battlescale has been showing off some new terrain pieces that expand their already extensive collection. Some new river sections have been added recently that would be fitting for 6mm through to 10mm wargaming. There are some neat options for both straight and curved segments.

Woah GW! A New Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Warcry Set Already? But Damn Sexy Miniatures! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Another new Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Warcry Boxed Set has been previewed by Games Workshop - Sundered Fate. Has this come along a little bit too soon? It does have some nice miniatures though for both the Seraphon and the servants of Tzeentch.

Microworld Games Expand 6mm Chinese Warring States Range


Microworld Games has expanded its 6mm Chinese Warring States collection with a few new miniatures that were funded by Kickstarter not long ago. Command figures and more are going to be taking to the tabletop soon in lovely metal. 

Bushwacker Battlemech Painting Tutorial | BattleTech


John returns to the world of BattleTech and shows off how to paint a Bushwacker Battlemech for use in the popular wargame. Dive into a full painting tutorial on bringing the Bushwacker to life.

Bolt Action Goes Big! New World War 2 Miniatures For The Desert War + WIN Starter Set #OTTWeekender

2 years ago 44

It's OTT Weekender time! Warlord Games has gone big with a massive host of new 28mm Italian miniatures for use in their World War 2 wargame, Bolt Action. All of them are perfect for The Desert War alongside the new Starter Set.

Historical & Fantasy Armies Made Easy With Fireforge; Ace For Kings Of War Wargaming? #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Building a Kings Of War army? Why not have a look at the Historical & Fantasy armies from FireForge games that could make it easy to get wargaming with some ace-looking 28mm miniatures?

6-15mm Seven Years War Armies On Kickstarter From Turner Miniatures


Henry Turner is on Kickstarter with a new project looking at bringing a set of 6-15mm miniatures to life for use during the Seven Years War period. Dive into the Europe Asunder project that covers a variety of factions fighting during the period.

Content Creator Interview: James “Oriskany” Johnson

2 years ago 16

In this Content Creator Interview, we get a quick chat with James "Oriskany" Johnson who helms the Sitrep Podcast and has been designing games and scenarios for a range of wargames for years.

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