Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought

July 2, 2011 by brennon

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Oh now here’s a different looking dread. This is the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought from Forge World and I got to say I like it allot, but is it 40K Space Marine?

It’s based on the Pre Heresy Dreadnought and the kit looks great and very posable, infact BoW Romain thinks it’s “F-ing Great” and that this is how a Dread should be, but I like the tin can dread.

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought -

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought -

If this was for another game I’d be all over it singing its praises because it looks great... but it feels strange to me. Even though it’s based on Pre Heresy design I'm just not sure if it’s 40K. Perhaps I’m just suffering from pushback and in a month or so I’ll be loving this.

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought -

Let’s hear what you guys and gals think of it.

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