Fiendish Fabrications’ Pillow Fighting Set?
December 8, 2011 by dracs
Fiendish Fabrications have released a whole host of new models, amongst them some miniatures for their pillow fighting game Pillow A-Go-Go.
While I'm not particularly impressed with the miniatures themselves the idea of a game based on pillow fights is a rather intriguing one. If you want to have a go at this just click the following link to download the rules.
However if pillow fights don't tickle your fancy than Fiendish Fabrications have a selection of other new miniatures, from Victorian style figures to a Stone Age Mud Man.
A miniatures game based on all girl pillow fighting? Now ive seen everything. 😉
Talk about unique.
Because pillow fighting in real life is so extremely dangerous, now it can be safely played with no risk of serious personal injury.
I got winded once, and someone put quite a sting on my bottom!
or were you being sarcastic?
It grinds my gears that children are starving in Africa yet some muppet (and weirdo) not only makes a miniature game based around … a female pillow fight … but somehow gets the miniatures made for it.
“Mum, what’s daddy doing?”
“Oh he’s painting miniatures of teenage girls wielding pillows… He won’t be your daddy soon, once the paperwork comes through”.
TBH painting underscale versions of 8 foot genetically altered spacemen with mechaclaws and swords is hardly that much different in principle if you think of people starving .
I wouldn’t have said Daddy was painting teenagers looking at those figures but painting middle aged hookers and granny in a rabbit cozzie.
lol I think you’ve taken my comment a little too literally.
Ah, a game marketed directly to pedophiles. Thats Awesome! (Oh, btw BoW, THIS is where the parental advisory notification should go 😉 ) “… the idea of a game based on pillow fights is a rather intriguing one. ” I see lollypops, pink daisy’s, perpetual reruns of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, sedatives, and a straight jacket in your near future. 🙂 They’re coming to take me away, HA HA They’re coming to take me away, HO HO HEE HEE HA HA To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I’ll be happy to see… Read more »
Oh dear…
I don’t know if it’s the paint-job, the sculpt, or both, but the girls look like seventies inflatable dolls of some sort…
And the rest…
Oh dear.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
I wonder if photographing the models in soft focus was to fit the game’s image or to hide the lack of detail…still it’s at least an original idea for a game. It’s probably never been done outside some old perv’s basement.
I don’t know whether to end this comment with ‘Try to work out why’ or ‘Dammit…I want a go’ really. I’m pretty torn TBH… 😉
Soft focus is pretty much the standard for soft core porn so they are just sticking with what the target audience would be familiar with. 😛
I don’t know, some things are best left in the basement.
PS, Was it the ‘Nickers Down’ or the ‘Bumslap’ Dirty Trick rule that sparked your curiosity?
I haven’t read the rules yet but…now I know I have to!
Always amused how conservative-tasted some wargamers seem to be considering the games are full of fantastical and impossible. I’m hardly the target audience, but if I were given a choice between this and a game of Napoleonic Battles…well, hand me the pillow, I will hold the line!
There’s nothing wrong with a good old Napoleonic British Brown Bess Bolster I can tell you!
I do not think it’s overt conservatism, just a personal preference not to belong to the cliché gamer stereotype of sad lonely adult virgin monobrow weirdos.
Damn, that’s me to a tee 🙁
Off to get the eyebrows plucked
There’s being a wargamer, and there’s being a pervert.
That’s a fine line separating the two! 😉
yes, being pervert is more socially acceptable these days, which seems to be the biggest difference 😛
exactly Jaerin.
Would you prefer it if the models looked like this? Seems harmless enough, I really cant see how this is aimed at paedos. I mean, really. Any fantasy female figure that isn’t a Paladin is usually showing more T&A than Lady Gaga. Scifi girls get an armoured boob tube and some cycling shorts. Its all fine and dandy if they have a big chopper in their hand (ooh-er) or toting a gun. This isn’t really a wargame, Its a boardgame where you buy the pieces. Tbh (no offence meant BOW) this is the first game orientated thing I’ve seen… Read more »
Allow me to help you with some basic logic, so that you might be able to argue more effectively. The association, as you incorrectly suggest, was not between a pillow fight and porn, but between the use of similar photographic styles – soft focus, used in the marketing image, and its use in soft core porn. You are presenting this incorrect association to try to prove an inductive informal association fallacy, but instead, you have actually committed the very error you seek to prove. Your second argument is one of the oldest, sloppiest, and most obvious logical fallacies on the… Read more »
You need to get a grip and a little perspective on life, this is a silly game based on a harmless activity. If it was called Pussy a Go Go I could see your point.
Who’s making an association between this and porn? I’m making an association with this and creepy people.
But yeah… I didn’t actually read the rule content but it seems to just prove our point whenever someone describes them. It may well be a well thought out game, but …. young girls, mostly without much clothes…. on a bed with pillows. Yeah, nothing creepy about that at all… the models speak for themselves.
Nothing wrong with porn. Nothing wrong with erotica. But this is neither.
So there’s nothing wrong with porn or erotica, but metal figures of scantily clad women are perverted? (your words 8 or 9 posts up.)
Thats some wierd moral compass you’ve got going there.
Erotica has artistic merit, so we can bracket that out. Porn has an obvious purpose and is specifically located in certain areas, certain media etc, we know where to find it and are disgusted when it intrudes outside its defined zone or whatnot (you don’t find porn in KFC for example…). But these miniatures and the game are designed, quite obviously, to titillate and capture a certain, fantasy? We know exactly what it is, anyway, and trying to claim it’s just a board game is silly UNLESS it was specifically marketed as some sort of sex game for couples etc… Read more »
The 10 year old kid probably has more taste than to want to play this kind of garbage.
Exactly (See below).
Gotta love the double standards on display here.
I bet half of the people posting that these cheeky minis should be banned and are for saddos went off and watched some nice hardcore pr0n online later.
You have your premises wrong. A double standard would be if someone decried this game then proceeded to have an ACTUAL pillow fight.
Oops sorry wrong forum
Oh it is BoW!
Thought I was on Dakka dakka for a moment! 😛
Look there are nothing wrong with these models……most pink romper suits are quite comfortable…..or so warren tells me….
Well… My first comment above was directed at hedwerx first comment as a reply. So why do I agree????? Because I wrote the game and many of the opinions of gamers amaze me to say the least. The game was created for the sole reason of being a silly game of an innocent childish pastime. I’m sure most of you have at sometime in you life been involved in a pillowfight and I will make an assumption here: I assume that in most cases said pillowfight/s never degenerated into sexual activity. I will also make a second assumption: I assume… Read more »