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Cult Of Games XLBS: I Need My Wargaming Heroes To Feel Heroic!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, Ben wants to talk about heroics and legendary moments in tabletop games. Do you want more herohammer in your games? Does it depend on the scale of game you're playing? Is there a difference between how heroes work in Historical and Sci-Fi/Fantasy games?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Challenge Yourself! Add Realism To Your Wargame Mechanics


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, Warren chats about mass battle Fantasy games and trying to nail a particular vibe. We talk about basing dilemmas and that evolves into a discussion about just how far you take the detail in a wargame before it becomes more like a chore.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Is Foam Truly The Best Terrain-Making Materials?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! Join us this week as Warren expresses his surprise at a recent encounter and Lloyd dives into showing off his terrain-building skills as he once again masters the use of foam for use in some dungeons.

Cult Of Games XLBS: A Mega Bolt Action Campaign & Battling Bugs Helldivers Style!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, we're joined by Michael from the community to talk big Bolt Action campaigns in World War II plus Lloyd gets to dive into another delivery and show off his very, very wrong gloves.

Cult Of Games XLBS: From Fridge To Tabletop: Crafting Board Game Beasts From Kid’s Art


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, Warren extolls the virtue of dungeoneering for engaging kids and getting them into fantasy gaming before asking the big question about bases. How big a base is too big for rank-and-file games and does Mayhem trump Royalty as he tries to decide on his go-to game?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Grimdark Glory Days – Was Classic Warhammer 40K Really Better?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, the guys have been playing a lot of games and painting a lot of miniatures. It's almost like we're proper wargamers. We also get drawn into a discussion on which edition of Warhammer 40,000 Shay and John should be playing!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Kings Of War; The Oni Game Perfect For John’s Samurai!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, we might find ourselves in a bit of a race. John has been printing off and building a Samurai army and with the help of Gerry is bringing it to Kings Of War. Plus, we delve into narrative wargaming and how to get the best out of the format in a short space of time, maybe over a weekend!

Cult Of Games XLBS: How Warren Flushed His Hidden Painter’s Block!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, Warren talks about managing to find a way to shift the blockage in his painting hobby and now he's painting his way through miniatures like nobody's business! Have you tried something like this to help prepare before you dive into painting your miniatures?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Is Modern HeroQuest Still Luring In The Hobby Youth?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this episode, Warren has a lot more fun with HeroQuest than he thought and discusses some of the game design and hobby bits and bobs he has been working on over the last few months. Some may or may not be influenced by the new Gladiators...

Cult Of Games XLBS: Don’t Get Distracted! Honing Your Hobby Focus!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! We talk about getting distracted and being in two minds about all manner of different projects plus make sure we've got our safety goggles on for some aspects of the hobby!

Cult Of Games XLBS: 2024 Hobby Resolutions – Will You Be Trying Something New?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's Cult Of Games we have a proper dive into hobby time and some of our plans for new year. They might include something different from the norm with a smidge of Gunpla! Do you have some new hobbies you're exploring this year?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Giftmas Unboxing & Looking Ahead To 2024 Hobby!


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In the final Cult Of Games XLBS of 2023, we dive into the awesome array of gifts that have come from the one and only horati0nosebl0wer as part of Giftmas PLUS we look ahead at what each of the team is excited for moving into 2024.

Cult Of Games XLBS: How Was Your Hobby In 2023?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, we're exploring Lloyd's new location for all of his hobbying activities and some disappointing deliveries. Plus, we dive into a retrospective on our hobby journey throughout 2023. What were some of the tabletop gaming highlights for you this year?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Are Your Historical Wargaming Rules Really Playing The Period?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, Warren talks about the grandeur of playing at smaller scales and how it offers up a real taste of proper battlefields and Gerry poses a question about some Historical wargames. Do the rules you're playing reflect the warfare of the period or are they too generic?

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Does The Future Hold For 3D Printing & Wargaming?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! This week, we're rejoined by Jack from The Lazy Forger as we dive into a discussion on the past, present and future of 3D Printing and delve into its pitfalls and benefits. We look at this from the perspective of wargamers and the designers behind these games and ranges looking to break into the space.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Legions Imperials – Not As Epic As It Seems…


We dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS for this week where Warren explores more terrain-based tinkering and John talks about his successes with the Crusade mode in Warhammer 40,000. Plus, we discuss whether or not Games Workshop has really put its all into Legions Imperialis AND why we might need to get the old Scalextric out again...

Cult Of Games XLBS: Warren Tinkers Like Tesla When Lighting Tabletop Terrain!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, Warren gives you Cultists a little bit of an update as to where we're looking to go in the future with OnTableTop and plays around with electricity to create some fascinating effects for enhancing your tabletop with illuminated terrain.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What If Napoleonics & Winter Dungeon Delving Awaits!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we chat about the upcoming community challenge that we're going to be running throughout the winter period and Ben gets properly indepth when it comes to the hobby that he has been working on and what's planned. We sense there could be something Napoleonic on the horizon!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Which Tabletop Game Is Your Greatest Of All Time?


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into an discussion on the greatest of all time! What game do you reckon is the greatest you've ever played and why? We also get stuck into hobby including a fun excursion from John where he found himself a new toy to play with!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Has Kickstarter Forgotten Its Roots?


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we chat about our plans as TerrainFest 2023 comes to a close. Gerry talks Babylon 5, Shay talks 40K, and Warren talks Starship Troopers as the guys go full-on Sci-Fi this week and they love it. We take a look at some terrific community work before Gerry needs to get something off his chest about crowdfunding and how it is now perceived.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Designing A Time Warping Wargaming Table


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this episode, we dive into some future plans and ideas that Warren has for more contests and challenges throughout the end of 2023 and the start of 2024 plus the projects that he'll be diving into. Ben also discusses why he hates glitter with a passion!

Cult Of Games XLBS: How Do You Deal With Shiny Syndrome?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, we dive into a chat about shiny syndrome and some of the ways that you can combat it. Do you have some tips and tricks for avoiding the allure of the next shiny miniature that pops up online?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Is The Simplest Hobby Solution The Best One?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, we find out that Warren might have been going about things all wrong. Maybe the simplest solution is the easiest one? We also explore more of your hobby and Lloyd might get to talk about trains. Maybe.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Will Your TerrainFest 2023 Project Be? We Share Our Ideas!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we chat about the plans that we have to dive into TerrainFest 2023! Warren is looking to get some feedback on how to build Acre and Ben is thinking about how to paint his Wild West terrain for a good old-fashioned shootout!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Making History Fun; Drop The Boring Bits!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion on making history and historical wargaming (more) fun. Sometimes you find yourself getting bogged down by the boring bits when it comes to historical wargames and it might just be easier to cut out said boring bits! Does this make for a better game? We have a particular look at Warren's plans for wargaming in Acre during the Crusades.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Game Over: How Bad Rules Can Destroy Even the Best Tabletop Games!


On this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a little bit of hobby discussion about rules and what grinds our gears when playing games. Could some rules be improved immeasurably by simply tweaking or removing a single rule? Gerry doesn't rant and no one is more surprised than I?!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Making Your Wargame Terrain Matter! Meddling With Movement Rules


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion about tabletop terrain and the ways that people build their tabletops. We also discuss some interesting rules that could make good use of terrain to make games feel more dynamic and interesting.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Blowing Our Tiny Minds; Tommie Soule Tells Us His Painting Philosophy!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we got to chat about hobby and painting philosophy with the absolutely awesome human being that is Tommie Soule. We discuss some fascinating ideas that might change the way that you think about painting your wargaming miniatures.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Evolving Our WAR Rules! Try These Mechanics In YOUR Wargames


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a little bit of hobby discussion but also the evolution of WAR and what we're thinking when it comes to some game mechanics that Warren has been working on. Will you be trying these out in one of your games this weekend?

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Attracts You To A Tabletop Game?


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into the one of the big questions of the tabletop gaming world. What is that attracts you to a game? Is it the art, the rules, the world building or perhaps something entirely different? 

Cult Of Games XLBS: Are You Fed Up With Not Playing Any Games?


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into some of the hobby that we've been up to but also get stuck into whether the time is ripe for "the one wargaming system to rule them all". Warren gets precious about dice and puts forward an interesting question about the way we learn rules and the games we play.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Period Is Best For Introducing People To Historical Wargaming?


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive in and have a chat about some hobby that we've been up to and some games we've been playing PLUS ask the question of what's the best Historical period we can use to introduce wargamers to something that isn't Sci-Fi and Fantasy?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Help Warren Find Epic Aliens For Legions Imperialis!


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a chat about the hobby that Gerry has/is/will be getting up to (time is weird) and Warren asks some important questions about aliens and what humans taste like. Oh, and he's interested in checking out some TINY wargaming during The Horus Heresy.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Would You Get Crafty With A Terrain Building Month?


As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we chat about some of the hobby we've been getting up to! Would you join us for a full month of terrain building? Is it time that we worked on nailing our terrain and making some nice tabletops to play on?

Cult Of Games XLBS: Warlord And Hornby, A Match Made In Hobby Heaven?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, in this week's episode, we have a look at Ben having a go at Golden Daemon(s) as well as what happens when technology betrays John. Lloyd also shows off the plans for his immense hobby shed that is actually closer to becoming a reality!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Fair Play, House Rules & Dealing With Cheaters!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into some of our hobby that we've been up to but also have a discussion about fair play, cheating and the "spirit of the rules". We also ask about what kind of house rules you use with your friends in order to have the most fun at the tabletop.

Cult Of Games XLBS: We Seriously Have To Up Our Terrain Game!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we talk about some hard work going down the drain but also Lloyd shows us some pretty darn inspiring photos which might get you thinking about the way you build your tabletop terrain in the future!

Cult Of Games XLBS: We’re Doomed & Need Your Help; Kitbashing Sci-Fantasy Miniatures!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS we dive into what Gerry has been playing including some Firefight from Mantic Games. He's also been tinkering with new armies for Kings Of War. Who would have thought it? Additionally, we start planning our kitbashes and conversions for when we dive into The Doomed, a new game by Osprey Games. 

Cult Of Games XLBS: Resistance Is Futile You Will Be Assimilated Into 3D Printing


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we sit down and chat about some hobby projects we've got in the works including Conan, Warhammer 40,000 and some tanks! We also chat about 3D Printing and if it's becoming far too hard to resist diving in and having a go!

Cult Of Games XLBS: A New Perspective – What’s The Focus Of YOUR Hobby?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we've come back from UK Games Expo and this has made us reevaluate our perspective on what we enjoy out of our tabletop gaming. We discuss the joys of miniature painting and hobby, the want to return to classics from our collections and the way technology might or indeed might not be welcome in the future.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Weird But Wonderful? Diving Into Lloyd’s New Fantasy Army


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion on some of the hobby we've been working on. Warren is a dungeon designer, Ben has been tinkering with the grimdark in The Mortal Realms and Lloyd has been working on crafting his own new Fantasy army for use in Oathmark and beyond.

Cult Of Games XLBS: From Gloom To Boom! Igniting Your Hobby Passion


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we're looking to find that spark that ignites your hobby. What is it that gets you thinking about new projects, helps you get through your painting or indeed has you thinking about building impressive armies?

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