Gale Force Nine Talk Planets & Hegemony For Star Trek: Ascendancy

June 21, 2016 by brennon

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Gale Force Nine have continued their preview series on Star Trek: Ascendancy with a look at Hegemony, taking planets under your wing, and the next step as you make them capable of warp travel.


You can see above the Hegemony Resistance value shown which represents their inherent culture that you have to overcome as you try and convince them about your way of life. Command and Culture tokens must be spent in order to try and take control of planets like this but it does have benefits.

If you are able to talk through developing a civilisation to your way of life like this then it will immediately start adding to your growth each turn rather than leaving you spending additional resources. It's neat that there's a cultural edge to the development of planets in Ascendancy.

As well as that the next big step is Warp-Capable Travel.

Warp Capable

Warp Capable civilisations are those that come with their own abilities. Independent of you they might be hostile and must be convinced of your plans by force or through careful negotiations. As you can see the Hegemony Resistance is a lot higher because of it.

Will you be taking control of planets by force or with good faith?

"Warp Capable civilisations are those that come with their own abilities. Independent of you they might be hostile and must be convinced of your plans by force or through careful negotiations..."

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