Star Wars: Legion’s New ARF Troopers Battle In Outer Rim Terrain
January 20, 2025 by brennon
You can now pre-order two new sets from Atomic Mass Games for Star Wars: Legion. We're heading back to the Clone Wars with some of these new releases as the ARF Troopers hit the battlefield to take down some droids.
ARF Troopers // Star Wars: Legion
This expansion adds a unit of recon specialists to your Galactic Republic armies in Star Wars: Legions. As well as special abilities tied to deployment, they can set up in ambush and give you much-needed fire support from cover.
Jedi Knight & ARF Troopers // Star Wars: Legion
In addition to being a solid unit with a specialised battlefield role, they come powered up by a Jedi Knight who acts as a replacement leader for the squad and lends them some much-needed support and clout when things get up close and personal.
ARF Troopers // Star Wars: Legion
The miniatures look great and enhance Galactic Republic armies with a bunch of specialists to support your regular ground troops. It's cool to see a Zabraks in the mix as well, showing off more from Star Wars' healthy range of alien species.
Outer Rim Terrain
As well as the ARF Troopers set, you can also pre-order a new set of Outer Rim terrain in the Outer Rim Battles Terrain Pack.
Outer Rim Battles Terrain Pack // Star Wars: Legion
This set has been designed to give your battlefield the look of the Outer Rim, whether you're playing during the Clone Wars or later during the era of the Rebellion. Atomic Mass Games mentioned that the set works well with the pieces from the Core Set and the Crashed X-Wing terrain pack if you already have those.
Outer Rim Battles Terrain Pack - Contents // Star Wars: Legion
Inside the set, you get one Ruined Complex, a Crate Pile, a Wrecked Cart, two Mouse Droids, three Straight Walls, three Curved Walls (Left), three Curved Walls (Right) and two Towers. Combined with some of the terrain you might already have, this could be nice for adding a bit of authenticity to your Star Wars tabletops.
Are you tempted by the new ARF Troopers or perhaps that terrain pack?
"As well as the ARF Troopers set, you can also pre-order a new set of Outer Rim terrain..."
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ARF! ARF! Let slip the dogs of war!
I was sure they calleed them ARC troopers in animated series.
ARF troopers sounds more like a unit of dog-people… aka Barf from Spaceballs.
ARC Trooper = Advanced Recon Commando Trooper. Best of the best special forces. Think SAS or Navy SEALs.
ARF Trooper = Advanced Recon Force Trooper. Specialists in reconnaissance and observation. USMC Recon Marines or 30 Commando. Goal is to gather info and avoid a fight.
IIRC the ‘ARC’ troopers were simply the clonetroopers with a modified uniform.
These appear to be scout troopers.
Silly name though.
Don’t need ARF (More rebel and empire please) and the terrain pack is (once again) stupidly expensive. It’s “l-shaped terrain for competitive tournament players” all over again. 60USD for that? naaaah, I’m good.
Not sure they got many more rebel and empire units to release. Seem to have covered the original trilogy, Rogue One and even delved into Rebels.
What Rebs or Imps would you like see @sundancer?
@pagan8th that is an excellent question. I feel like AMG is hitting the same limits with SW:L now as they have done with X-Wing and Armada: they are not allowed to create new stuff. At least it feels this way. Rebels could use some rag-tag vehicles or the Hoth DF.9 Turret (They did the radar dish turret so why not add that?) And for the Empire? TIE Crawler and Probe Droids. Or just boxes of core troopers (for all factions) that build like Frostgrave minis with multi-poseable parts and spares.
I wonder how much of the old and new Expanded Universe material they are allowed to use in their contract. There are a lot of obscure units and troops types that appear in the Legends EU and the Canon EU.
I’d argue that they’ve hit the limit for units that casual fans of the movies are going to recognise.
I had more or less the same problem with Xwing.
Once the ships from the movies had been done there was nothing that screamed ‘buy me’. Ships that only appeared for mere seconds in the background make not for things that sell by the bucketload.
Maybe it’s time that they learned that Bobbly feets was a lucky hit. There’s no way anything can recapture the magic that was.
There are a lot of ways to diversify without going too crazy that casual fans will recognize. Add scenarios for boarding actions and suddenly you need pilots, ship crews, marine varieties of regular troopers. Add units like storm trooper engineers. They did phase 1 and 2 clones but haven’t done the early phase storm troopers.
Just because they may be at the limit for units that us casuals might want, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any options that would make me throw money at them.
A book with cool scenarios and tips on building terrain would be great …
(so sad that companies are less focused on the hobby aspect and only want to sell terrain … )
Damn … I thought GW had expensive terrain.
Well played AMG …