Corvus Belli will be taking pre-orders soon for new quests that your Warcrow Adventures heroes can go on. Your heroes will be heading beyond Hawthorn Point and facing an entirely different foe in the newest expansion, Deathclaws Of The Dream.
The Fantasy world of Warcrow expands with even more 32mm miniatures for February. Corvus Belli has a couple of new sets for you to choose from for both the Hegemony Of Embersig and the Northern Tribes. It's arrows versus bullets!
Warlord Games announced that they will be releasing a new Compendium for Bolt Action 3rd Edition. This brings a whole host of ideas, themes and more from community-submitted articles and brings them all into one place for the new edition of the 28mm World War II wargame.
Corvus Belli are looking ahead to a bunch of new releases in February for the Sci-Fi world of Infinity. There are some great new Expansion Packs and Essentials Sets that you'll be able to pick up for a couple of different factions.
The creators of Blood On The Sands, the upcoming gladiatorial combat game by Frank Sultana & N.R. Jenzen-Jones, now have a Kickstarter launch date AND they have also revealed a collaboration with the awesome Wargames Atlantic to provide miniatures for the upcoming project and the game in general.
Black Scorpion Miniatures are working on some new Historical miniatures for both their Cutlass! and Tombstone ranges. We start with a new (and famous) Pirate in the form of Blackbeard in 32mm scale!
Lucid Eye released a bunch of new miniatures over the weekend for both their The Red Book Of The Elf King range and also the Wars Of The Middle Sea collection. We start with some deadly-looking new Elf Companions.
Para Bellum Games are now taking pre-orders for the newest faction to grace the world of Eä in Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and Conquest: First Blood. The Yoroni, Para Bellum's demonic samurai army, is going to be causing quite a stir soon.
Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing of another fantastic set of 32mm Gnome miniatures from Goblin King Games for their whimsical Fantasy miniatures game, Moonstone. See what you make of these Brothers In Arms.
Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! John, Justin and Ben get stuck into showcasing some of the hobby they have been working on over the last couple of weeks as they totally stuck to their pledges at the end of 2024. We also talk about what we think could be the BIG new thing to take over the tabletop world in 2025.
Will New Gundam Miniatures Game Take The Tabletop World By Storm In 2025? #OTTWeekender
4 weeks ago 60It's OTTWeekender time! In the first Weekender of 2025, we dive into a discussion on the brand new miniatures game announced by Bandai for the world of Gundam and Gunpla. Gundam Assemble sounds like it's going to be fascinating so we talked to our two experts, John and Justin, about just what we could be seeing with the game when it lands later this year.
Dive into this week's Community Spotlight and the first for 2025! We have a look at some fantastic villains, some great Ancient Greek monsters and a bit of Moonstone to kick off the year.
Steamforged Games are whipping up a storm in the world of Warmachine with a rather hefty new 35mm miniature for Cygnar. The Maelstrom, a towering Colossus is available for pre-order right now.
Game designer Andy Hobday has been announced as the new Creative Director at Wargames Atlantic this week. He joins the team as they look to develop games in-house and externally so fun things are happening in the future!
Games Workshop dropped another surprise miniature preview this week for Warhammer: The Old World. The Wyrm Slayer, Sir Cecil Gastonne, will be joining Bretonnian armies soon to hunt down deadly beasts across The Old World.
Black Site Studios will be coming to Gamefound soon with a campaign focused on producing a new Core Box for Don't Look Back, their fantastic horror-based cooperative miniatures game.
Atomic Mass Games recently teased that the "Cosmic side" of Marvel: Crisis Protocol would be coming in 2025 for their 40mm scale skirmish game. Well, heading back to Ministravaganza 2024, we can start to see a few of those miniatures making it to the tabletop soon.
Gerry dives into an unboxing and review of more of the Goblin King Games Moonstone range. In this video, he's looking at the Outlanders Troupe Box which contains three fantastic Nordic Gnomes for this 32mm Fantasy miniatures game.
Games Workshop are starting to bulk out the new range of War Of The Rohirrim miniatures for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game this weekend. Pre-orders will go up for a couple of Forge World resin sets as well as a bunch of plastic kits and returning older miniatures.
Wargames Atlantic are going to be starting 2025 in style with some new releases for their Historical range and also the world of This Quar's War. First up we have the Age Of Chivalry's Foot Serjeants for use with The Barons' War and beyond.
Games Workshop are going to be taking pre-orders this weekend for the new Death Korps Of Krieg Army Set. This will be the first time that you'll be able to get your hands on these new plastic miniatures and the updated rules for Warhammer 40,000 and the new edition.
Bandai announced that they will be going for miniature wargames in earnest this year with a new miniatures game coming out later this year. Gundam Assemble is on the horizon and we've already got a trailer and a few more details about the miniatures.
Both the Loyalist and Traitor Legions of The Horus Heresy made use of human allies and they would often need to be kept in line or at least "encouraged" to keep on fighting. Well, that's where the new Overseer miniature comes in and in this case, the Traitor Legion Overseer that got previewed this week by Games Workshop.
Crooked Dice is getting closer to re-releasing more of the Otherworld Miniatures range that they picked up after Richard retired. Leading the way are the Undead who have been summoned from their crypts to haunt the lives of the living!
Knuckleduster Miniatures previewed quite the "untamed pack" of Wild West miniatures for use in Gunfighter's Ball. This set will be available (hopefully) this weekend and gives you four new miscreants to throw into the mix during your Wild West skirmishes.
Gerry is on a roll and goes through more amazing Moonstone miniatures from Goblin King Games in this unboxing. Here, Gerry unboxes and reviews the Mushrooms And Mayhem set of 32mm Goblin miniatures that you get as part of this Troupe Box.
Building on their earlier previews for Armoured Clash towards the tail end of 2024, Warcradle Studios have given folks a sneak peek at the new 10mm miniatures for both the Enlightened and the Imperium, the next factions coming to their Dystopian Age wargame.
Bad Roll Game, the Spanish company behind the excellent 30mm skirmish game Punkapocalyptic, has released the first early look at their brand new game, Warmonger. "A fierce fight in the grim surroundings of the Unholy Lands", Warmonger's rules are available now alongside the first few sneak peeks at miniatures sculpted by the awesome Boris Woloszyn.
Mantic Games put together a trailer this week showing off what's coming from the team in 2025. There are intriguing titles on the horizon including some returns of old favourites. Check out the trailer below...
Clash Of Steel, the What If? game from Gale Force Nine that launched last year will get a couple of new Starter Sets for those wanting to dive into this alternative history where the World War started again in 1948.
A new Soldier Of Fortune miniature is available for you to order from Warlord Games for January. Crisis In Stalingrad takes us back to World War II with a diorama showing the Germans plotting and planning how best to tackle the Soviet threat.
Games Workshop previewed the new Warhammer Store Anniversary miniatures that will be made available throughout 2025. There is a new miniature for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and one for Warhammer 40,000 that you can scoop up from stores during their anniversary celebrations.
Warcradle Studios has some neat new releases coming to the naval wargaming of Dystopian Wars in January 2025. The Commonwealth and Union are getting themselves some new toys to play with and ways to expand fleets.
Whilst a lot of focus is on the Matched Play format for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, my favourite way to play the game is Path To Glory. With that in mind, I was happy to see a new Path To Glory book coming out for the new edition of the game from Games Workshop, Ravaged Coast.
January 2025 will see the release of reinforcements for the Union in Armoured Clash. Three sets will be coming out to support the initial releases from Warcradle Studios for the third faction for their 10mm wargame, giving you additional troops, vehicles and more to choose from when building the army you prefer.
Spectre Miniatures added a bunch of new miniatures to their collection for those seeking to play out Modern battles on the tabletop in 28mm. New infantry has been joined by vehicles but also some funky terrain that could help to theme your battlefields.
Crooked Dice are ending the year strong with some great new releases for those seeking to dive into a bit of Pulp Sci-Fi wargaming with a touch of Horror too. First up, we start with a whole host of 8-bit characters that will be dominating the digital realm.
Games Workshop revealed a big new miniature over the Christmas week for those looking to bow before the might of Slaanesh in Warhammer 40,000. It has been a long time coming but Fulgrim has now made his presence known with a new Daemon Primarch miniature.
Gerry gets a closer look in this unboxing at the expansion to Mutant: Year Zero - Zone Wars which introduces Robots & Psionics to your 32mm scale skirmish games. This expands the original set from Free League Publishing and allows you to play with three or four players.
Warlord Games has announced the pre-order date for the next Bolt Action Third Edition Armies Of... book. Armies Of The United States will be up for pre-order from 24th January 2025 ahead of a release on the 24th April 2025.
Some super sleuths over on The Silver Bayonet Facebook Group spotted something intriguing on Amazon this month. A new The Silver Bayonet expansion has been spotted; released in September/October of 2025 from Osprey Games. Britain: Bones Of Albion is coming!
Great Escape Games has plenty planned for the new year when it comes to games like The Chicago Way and Dead Man's Hand. More details on what's coming will be popping up soon but we did get a good look at the 28mm scale The Family who will be a part of Dead Man's Hand, causing some mischief.