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Spellcrow Mutate Your Vehicles With New Doors And Plates


Spellcrow have released some accessories to convert your light vehicles, inlcuding decorative front plates and doors that have become a smidgeon warped.

Bandua Reveal New Armageddon Tokens & RuneWars Templates


Bandua has added some new widgets and gubbins to their website for those players of Shadow War Armageddon and RuneWars. We'll lead with the Armageddon Token Set.

New 40K P.A.C.K 352 Load Outs Available From Battle Foam


Over on the US Store (and presumably soon on the UK Store), you can now get your hands on New Load Out Options from Battle Foam for your growing Warhammer 40,000 armies.

Knock Some Fantasy Football Heads Together With Tabletop Art


Tabletop-Art has added some new Fantasy Football head options to their webstore for those looking to spice things up on their models

Cosy Dice Shows Off Fabled Realms Dice Bags!


Cosy Dice has previewed their Fabled Realms bags that they are working on for 4Ground's Kickstarter which is currently running with twelve days left on the campaign.

Hawk Wargames Release Faction Dice To Roll For Your Loyalty


Hawk Wargames have released new faction themed dice for you to bear your colours with pride in games of Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander.

Kromlech Mark Your Objectives With Lots Of Skulls!


Kromlech have released some new objective markers to let you keep track of the battlefield as you confront a symbol of mortallity. Lots of skulls!

Keep Imperial Secrets Safe In Kromlech’s New Tomes


Kromlech is looking to unlock the secrets of the warp, or maybe just stash some Imperial edicts with their new Books Of Salvation.

Keep Your Entire Kingdom Death Collection Safe With Battle Foam


Available on both their US and UK store the folks at Battle Foam have now pulled together a whole range of bags and foam trays for you to keep your entire Kingdom Death collection safe. It's quite a lot of foam!

Explore The Rebel Sector With PWork’s New Terrain Mat


PWork have added another mat to their collection for those of you who like heading out into the depths of space. Here we have their new Rebel Sector.

Carry Gubbins In Style With By Fire & Sword Dice Bags


The folks behind By Fire & Sword have added a new range of Dice Bags to their webstore along with some additional options to include Dice & Order Markers along with said bag. Here are a few of the designs...

Become A Son Of Thor With New Kromlech Accessories


Kromlech are looking towards some more Space Viking accessories and their latest set of bitz include Sons of Thor Torsos which will give you the armour to take on your foes...

Fantastic Summoner Dice Kickstarter From ClockWise Studios


Looking for some creative fantasy dice to represent your favorite creatures? The Six Sided Summoner: A Clockwise Dice Project on Kickstarter has just the thing with dice representing four of your fantasy creatures.

Forge World Lock N’ Load Some Space Marine Heavy Weapons


Forge World have shown off four new Heavy Weapon add-ons that are going to be joining their armour soon. See what you make of these weapons...

North Star Turn Your Frostgrave Soldiers into Forest Outlaws


North Star are going to be helping you expand on your warband choices in Frostgrave by Osprey Games with a new Forest Outlaw Set which comes with alternative metal components for upgrading your men...

FFG Show Support To The Houses Of Game Of Thrones


If you're looking for a rather striking alternative to the gaming mats you've been using in the past for A Game Of Thrones: The Card Game, then see what you think of these four new designs by Fantasy Flight Games...

Custom Templates Unlocked For Tiles Of Adventuring


Impudent Mortal has unlocked a clever stretch goal, as asked for by their backers- templates! The Tiles of Adventuring: Tabletop Grid System has unlocked templates for Savage Worlds and Pathfinder, that can be added onto your pledge to further customize your game.

Accept Dark Gifts With Kromlech’s Sci-Fi Stygian Torsos


Kromlech have added some more bitz to their collection for use with your Sci-Fi miniatures and crusading corrupted Knights. See what you think of these Stygian Torsos which have been on the most wanted list by Kromlech fans for a little while...

Forge World Show Off Some Big Sci-Fi Guns


Forge World have been showing off what's coming for the world of Warhammer 40,000 and the Horus Heresy. This time it's some big guns that will come attached to Dreadnoughts and fired from large vehicles...

Four New Head Options For Kitbashing From Mad Robot Miniatures


If you're looking for easy ways to kitbash your minis to customize them for your games, then Mad Robot Miniatures has you covered. This week they have released 4 different, 28mm head options to change up the way your minis look.

New Hex Tiles Added To Tabletop Grid System Kickstarter


Impudent Mortal has made it even easier to tailor your game maps to whatever kind of game you'd like to play. They've added new tile options to their innovative, Tiles of Adventuring: Tabletop Grid System, including hex shaped tiles with hex grids.

Impudent Mortal Adds Hex Grid Option To The Tiles Of Adventuring KS


The backers have spoken, and they have asked for tiles with a hex grid option. Impudent Mortal agreed that it was a great idea, so off to the computer they went to make it happen. As of the end of […]

Get Behind Feldmaster’s New Carry Case On IndieGoGo


Feldmaster have taken to IndieGoGo with their new campaign to fund a Carry Case which does things a little differently. If you wanted to effectively see the race car of carry cases this would be it...

Transform Your Games With Impudent Mortal’s Tiles Of Adventuring Kickstarter


Transform your games by allowing the use of your favorite maps while ensuring replayability, with the Tiles of Adventuring: Tabletop Grid System from Impudent Mortal. This Kickstarter features clear, modular, acrylic tiles to place over any gaming surface, that offers use of wet or dry erase markers.

Big Tanks & Bigger Templates Arrive For Team Yankee


Battlefront are looking towards the expansion of Team Yankee with some more kits including those for the M1 Abrams and the M109 Field Artillery Battery. Both of these are collected into sets which will help you expand you American army...

Book Six Of Forge World’s Horus Heresy Hits – Retribution


Welcome to the next steps in the story for the Horus Heresy from Forge World. Here we have Book Six - Retribution which continues the story as the loyalists begin to pursue their traitor brothers and get revenge for what befell them.

The Age Of Tyrants Kickstarter Gets New Terrain Packs


Closing in on the last week on Kickstarter Age of Tyrants has added some terrain to their campaign thanks to their partnership with Brigade Models. See what you think of what's on offer...

Kit Bash With Bionic Legs From Anvil Industry


Anvil Industries has released a WIP picture of some out of this world, bionic legs. Gamers have been asking for this option to kit bash with, and it look like they'll soon deliver.

Impudent Mortal To Launch Tiles Of Adventuring Kickstarter Monday


If you're the kind of gamer that like to make sure their maps are kept in perfect condition, or find yourself not wanting to use some of your favorites often as you're afraid to ruin them, then you'll want to watch Kickstarter this Monday. Impudent Mortal is launching their Tiles Of Adventuring: Tabletop Grid System to allow you the perfect way to really be able to use, and reuse your maps.

Statuesque Welcomes A New Investigator To Their Pulp World


Here is the selection below which can be found over on their webstore. The differences are small but they make all the difference...

Sword & Board Games Show Off Upcoming Token Sets


Sword & Board Games are expanding their Twelve Elements of War range and that means that they need accessories to. With the help of Aetherworks they have produced this range of tokens for use in the game.

Weekender: Talking Kickstarter With Massive Awesome & Micro Art Studio


Welcome to a bumper Weekender where we have not one but two interviews for you along with a special pro-painted prize...

Blast Your Foes Away With Kromlech’s Gravity Cannons


Kromlech have added a new weapon to their roster for your big armoured space knights. If you want to start screwing with time and space itself then see what you make of the Gravity Cannon...

Head To A Frozen Wasteland With Deep-Cut’s Frostgrave Mat


Deep-Cut Studios have shown off their newest mat which will take you to the frozen north in search of magical items and adventure. See what you make of the Frostgrave Mat, the use of which is in the name.

Ironheart Artisans Releases New Magic Item & Spell Tokens


Ironheart Artisans have released a couple of nice accessories for Kings of War. Any player of the game should definitely take a look at these.

New Sci-Fi Acrylic Base Inserts From Brush 4 Hire


Brush 4 Hire is making it even easier to take your sci fi minis to the next level by helping you dress their base. Their latest sci fi acrylic bases offer a variety of other-worldly patterns to set the perfect alien tech feel for your minis.

Ultra Pro Create A Fancy Mimic D&D Dice Bag!


Ultra Pro work with a lot of plastic but they have also put together this awesome Mimic Dice Bag for holding all of your Dungeons & Dragons dice! See what you think of this slobbering creature that is hungry to eat all your bad dice...

Check Out New Character Add-Ons For Age Of Tyrants Kickstarter


The campaign is now funded and the Age of Tyrants crew is looking towards new Add-Ons and more on Kickstarter. See what you think of these two characters which are now available as well as additional counter sets which help you keep track of everything in-game...

ModCube Launches Custom Game Cube Option


Are you playing a game that uses a variety of tokens? Would you like to keep those tokens handy and more organized? ModCube can tailor their ingenious token cubes to suit whatever game you're playing with their new custom cube option.

Embrace The Machine With Tabletop-Art’s Biomechanic Heads


If you're looking to give your Imperial Guard the look of the Forge World or maybe you just like the cold digital embrace of the Borg these Biomechanic Heads from Tabletop-Art look like they could be a neat addition to your bitz box.

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