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Gerry Can Show You Rigging & Ratlines For Blood & Plunder Ships!


In this week's Gerry Can, we dive into how to super detail your Blood & Plunder ships for use in Firelock Games' Historical wargame. No corners have been cut here!

VLOG: Crafting Army Lists + Miniatures Are Painted For Blood & Plunder!


Justin shows off the three army lists that he is going to be using for games of Blood & Plunder. There are a few to choose from that are going to be used in different scenarios. Artillery, ships and more have been painted up for this!

Paint Plundering Pirates With Blood & Pigment’s New Contest


Blood & Pigment are running a "Great Pirate Paint Off" soon which leads up to their massive Summer Of Plunder later in 2023. Run in conjunction with Firelock Games and a bunch of other creators, they are looking to get your crews painted up and ready for an adventure on the high seas in Blood & Plunder.

Unboxing: Blood & Plunder – Native Americans | Firelock Games

2 years ago 2

Continuing our unboxing of the new Blood & Plunder plastic range, Gerry has a look at the set of twelve Native Americans from Firelock Games that you get for use in their Historical pirate wargame. 

Judge Dredd; Check Out Block War & This Ace Sci-Fi Wargame From Warlord Games! #OTTWeekender

2 years ago 34

It's OTT Weekender time! In this episode, we're having a look at the ace new Block War expansion from Warlord Games for their Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. Could this be the Sci-Fi skirmish game worth diving into if you've become disillusioned by Necromunda?

VLOG: Deciding On Gaming Tables & Scenarios For Blood & Plunder


Gerry and Justin sit down to talk about their 100, 150 and 200-point lists for use in their games of Blood & Plunder from Firelock Games. They also have a talk about the terrain they are going to be using across the three games.

Community Spotlight: German Armies, 15mm Necromunda & Raising The Black!

2 years ago 4

Join us for a look at some amazing Historical wargaming projects and also something a little different for the world of Necromunda!

Unboxing: Blood & Plunder – Militia | Firelock Games

2 years ago 1

Gerry dives into another Unboxing of the Firelock Games Blood & Plunder miniatures. This time, he's looking at the 28mm plastic Militia set that can be used to bolster your crews in this Historical Pirate wargame. 

Cult Of Games XLBS: A 7-Day Miniature Painting Challenge?


Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, Ben lays down the gauntlet and dives into a 7-day miniature painting challenge that might help you bust through the backlog and get rid of some of that hobby fatigue. 

VLOG: Building Army Lists For Blood & Plunder


In today's VLOG, Gerry talks about working out the army lists that are going to be used for playing Firelock Games' Blood & Plunder. In this video, we're discussing the British that will be looking to control the high seas. 

Gerry Can Show You How To Build The Ships From Blood & Plunder!


In this week's Gerry Can, Gerry showcases how to build the Sloop that comes in the new 2-Player Starter Set for Firelock Games' Blood & Plunder. 

VLOG: Getting Ready To Set Sail In Blood & Plunder | Behind The Scenes

2 years ago 19

Gerry and Justin sit down in the studio to talk about setting sail in Blood & Plunder from Firelock Games. They discuss the plans for the different factions they're going to be playing as and the future Blood & Plunder coverage that we have planned!

Blood & Plunder – Amaro Pargo Painting Tutorial | Firelock Games


In this video, John dives into painting one of the personalities, Amaro Pargo, from Firelock Games' excellent miniature wargame, Blood & Plunder. Get piratical with one of these excellent 28mm Pirates for use when playing out Historical adventures on the tabletop.

North Star’s American Revolution Range Grows With New Preview


North Star Military Figures have been showing off more early images of their expanding American Revolution range that will complement the updates for Muskets & Tomahawks in the near future. The most recent previews were for their 28mm Colonial Infantrymen. 

Unboxing: Blood & Plunder – Pirates Of Legend | Firelock Games

2 years ago 4

Gerry continues with his unboxing of the fantastic Historical wargame, Blood & Plunder, with a look at the new Pirates Of Legend Captains Box which you can snap up from Firelock Games.

Unboxing: Blood & Plunder – 2 Player Starter Set | Firelock Games

2 years ago 14

We get stuck into an unboxing of the mega-sized 2 Player Starter Set from Firelock Games for their hit Historical wargame, Blood & Plunder. Blackbeard faces off against Maynard in a clash between the Royal Navy and his Pirates!

Community Spotlight: Ironjawz, Cheese Riots & Firefighting Forge Fathers

2 years ago 8

We have a look at some excellent painting for the start of the year including mighty Ironjawz, a Cheese Riot and some Firefight Forge Fathers from Mantic Games.

North Star Preview New Muskets & Tomahawks Miniatures!


North Star Military Figures has been showing off some of the new miniatures that they have been working on for Studio Tomahawk's Muskets & Tomahawks and the American Revolution. The first previews were for a few of the Native Americans/Indians. 

Turner Miniatures Takes The Age Of Admirals To The Nile


Henry Turner of Turner Miniatures is back on Kickstarter with another project bringing to life 3D Printable miniatures for use in your 1/700, 1/1000 and 1/1200 naval wargames on the tabletop. 

Clash With Sally 4th’s 28mm Royal Marines In The Caribbean


Sally 4th has added a bunch of 28mm Royal Marines into the mix for those having a crack at piratical swashbuckling adventures during 1704. 

Build Up Your Hanoverian Dragoons With QRF Models


QRF Models has added a few new miniature sets to their website for those looking to play out the clashes of the Seven Years War as the Hanoverians. These come from the Freikorp15 range in, unsurprisingly, 15mm scale.

SAGA Is Great But Is Age Of Alexander? + Blood & Plunder Gaming Piracy in Plastic! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Firelock Games have shown off a new Blood & Plunder 2-Player Starter Set that's as large as a pirate's chest of loot! Two full crews of 28mm miniatures are accompanied by TWO Sloops for you to take to the high seas with.

New Blood & Plunder Two Player Starter Set Pre-Orders Live!


Firelock Games is now taking pre-orders for their brand new Raise The Black expansion for Blood & Plunder plus a load of the awesome new plastic kits that were brought to life via Kickstarter.

Community Spotlight: O-12, Blood & Plunder Pirates & Ottoman Turks!

2 years ago 4

Join us for another Community Spotlight where we're looking at the world of Infinity, some Blood & Plunder and also a mighty Ottoman Turk army.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Wargame Design – Break A Game To Make A Game!


Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this show, we have a guest from the land down under! Jason from Getting Tabled joins us to talk about game designs and the intricacies of bringing rules together for tabletop games.

6-15mm Seven Years War Armies On Kickstarter From Turner Miniatures


Henry Turner is on Kickstarter with a new project looking at bringing a set of 6-15mm miniatures to life for use during the Seven Years War period. Dive into the Europe Asunder project that covers a variety of factions fighting during the period.

Raise The Black For Blood & Plunder Is Coming Soon!


The folks at Firelock Games have a neat update for those who are waiting to pick up their Raise The Black bits and pieces for use with Blood & Plunder.

Community Spotlight: Heavy Gear, Mighty Vikings & Colourful Aztecs


In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into some Heavy Gear armies, a mighty Viking army and also some very colourful Aztecs!

Unboxing: English & Dutch – War Of Austrian Succession | Flags Of War

2 years ago 2

Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing of some of the 28mm English and Dutch soldiers from Flags Of War for the period of the War Of Austrian Succession.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Tabletop Games – Where To Buy? How To Buy?


Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this episode, we're talking about your hobby buying habits. Where do you buy your tabletop goodies and how do you buy them?

WoFun Games Offer Up 17 Historical Rule Sets For FREE!


The folks at WoFun Games have offered up a rather awesome present for Historical wargamers this month. They are offering up seventeen WoFun Starterpack PDF Rule Sets for FREE.

Russian Ships & More Take To Warlord Games’ Black Seas


Warlord Games has been adding even more vessels to their Black Seas collection over the last couple of days. In addition to what we saw last week, we also have a whole host of Russian ships and two new squadrons as well.

Hit The Black Seas With Warlord Games’ HMS Surprise And More!


Warlord Games has given another big boost to their Black Seas range. If you're eager to dive into some 1/700 scale ship-based battles set during the 1700s and 1800s then maybe take a peek at some of these new ships for the British and beyond.

Unboxing: Border Wars – Border Reivers | Flags Of War

3 years ago 9

Join us for an Unboxing of the new Historical 28mm Border Reiver miniatures that you can get as part of the Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon wargaming Kickstarter from Flags Of War. 

Community Spotlight: Moonstone Troupes, Assassins & Master And Commander!


Get stuck into another Community Spotlight for this week where we're exploring Moonstone (yes, again!), Assassin's Creed and a bit of Master And Commander for Black Seas.

Build Up The US Forces For Black Seas With Warlord Games


Warlord Games has turned the focus of Black Seas towards the build-up of forces amongst the US during the 1800s. There are three new ships for you to consider picking up alongside some rather swift Sloops!

Firelock Games Launching The Summer Of Plunder 2022 Campaign


Firelock Games has announced that they are diving into a new Blood & Plunder campaign over the next few months. Summer Of Plunder 2022 will see you fighting for your nation of choice and potentially being in with the chance of winning some great prizes too.

Clansmen & Highlanders Join Black Scorpion’s Collection


Black Scorpion Miniatures is honing in on a set of new releases soon as a sort of Virtual Salute, making up for the fact that we don't have an event this year. New 32mm Fantasy/Historical miniatures are making their way to their webstore for Cutlass! and Breninmoor.

Hold Fast! Supplement Arrives For Warlord’s Black Seas


Warlord Games has now released a new supplement for Black Seas which offers up more options for your Historical high seas adventures. Hold Fast! is available to pre-order right now from their webstore.

Unboxing: Oak & Iron – Ships Of The Line | Firelock Games

3 years ago 2

Join us for an unboxing of the Oak & Iron Ships Of The Line expansion set from Firelock Games. Another way to add stunning plastic ships to your 1/600 Scale Historical wargames.

Hit The High Seas With Sarissa Precision’s 28mm Ship Of The Line!


A very impressive new kit from Sarissa Precision popped up over the weekend. See what you make of their mighty 28mm Ship Of The Line, a perfect option for all manner of piratical adventures on the Historical tabletop.

Unboxing: Oak & Iron – Merchant Men | Firelock Games

3 years ago 2

Join Gerry for an Unboxing of Oak & Iron where he is looking at the Merchant Men Expansion from Firelock Games for your naval wargames!

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