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The Wyrd Games Easter Sale Is Live Packed With Malifaux & More!


The Wyrd Games Easter Sale has been switched on from now until April 9th 2020, and for those of you who are not aware, these sales are very special! I have been refreshing my page all day to see what kind of goodies are up online.

Build A Bleak & Fearsome Town With The Gloomburg Sprawl Set


Warcradle Studios have now released the dark village of Gloomburg Sprawl, now available as individual sets. This MDF terrain comes pre-painted, ready to come out of the packaging and straight into your next 28mm skirmish. 

VLOG: D&D Display Dungeon Part #6 | Extra Cavern Height & Tentacles Of Doom #DungeonBuild

4 years ago 13

Warren continues his epic D&D Display Dungeon Build VLOG and in this update shows a cool way of adding extra height to the Archon Studio Dungeons & Lasers plastic kits.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Does Less Terrain Mean More Game?!


Hello once again you lovely OTTers, we're back this week for another relaxing hobby chat and to ease you into the last day of your weekend.

Artel W’s New Releases Bring A Woman’s Touch To The Grim Dark Future


Artel W have some new releases for fans of science fiction wargaming that are ideal for people looking to add some alternative characters to their games of Warhammer 40,000, or if you just want to paint some beautiful miniatures that are brimming full of character.

Cult of Games XLBS: A Treasure Chest Filled With Hobby & FoW British In the Works


Left unsupervised by the only responsible adult the terrible trio has a chance to kick back and chat about their hobby and yours as we ease our way into a lazy Sunday with a relaxing talk about our Hobby.

Weekender: 4 New Space Marine Codexes, 3 Too Many for Warhammer 40K?

4 years ago 73

Today on the OnTableTop Weekender! Games Workshop has released a ton of information for Warhammer 40,000, including a wealth of new minis for the Space Marines

Armoured Ogres & Evil Knights Do Battle At Hasslefree


The Hasslefriesian facebook page has revealed a couple of new sculpts that should be making their way to Hasslefree Miniatures: an imposing ogre and a sinister armoured warrior. This particular ogre has quite an old-school fantasy adventurer look to them. […]

Willy’s Lords Of Corruption Spread Their Wings On Kickstarter


Willy Miniatures have put up a Kickstarter preview page for a campaign they are about to kick off seeking to upgrade their Lords of Corruption Fantasy Football team. 

Necrodroids Escape The Monster Box Onto Kickstarter


Monster Box and Scale Bro have gone to Kickstarter to fun a new unit of creepy, floating NecroDroids. 

Artel W Send The Iron Hordes Medic To Patch You Up


Even tough greenskins need a medical attention sometimes, so Artel W have created a new Medikk to patch up the orcs of their Iron Hordes.

Wyrd Games’ Webstore Gives You Nightmares


Wyrd are off to GenCon this weekend and as usual they are launching their GenCon Web Sale, which includes the special event exclusive Nightmare crew set Brine and Bones. 

Westfalia Are Taking The Halfings To Kickstarter


Westfalia have a new Kickstarter about to launch, preparing to bring an army of everyone's favourite diminutive heroes to the table. Are you ready for The Third Breakfast?

Upgrade Your Armiger Knights Into Forge World’s Mighty Moirax


Forge World have a new set of Knight upgrades up for pre-order, turning the plastic Armiger Knights into powerful Mechanicum Moirax.

DC’s Doom Patrol Comes To Knight Models


Knight Models have announced that another new superhero team is joining their line up. However, this time we meet with perhaps DC's strangest heroes in the form of the Doom Patrol.

A Quilin Gallops Through The Breach Of Wyrd’s Obsidian Gate


Wyrd Games have a new adventure for their RPG Through The Breach, taking you to the foot of The Obsidian Gate. 

Micro Art Bundle Up Their Discworld Busts


Micro Art Studio have announced that they are releasing their Discworld Busts as a new True collector's set.

Knight Models Prepare Teams For The DC Universe Miniatures Game


Since their recent announcement of a new physical rulebook for their DC Universe Miniatures Game, Knight Models have begun previewing the new team box sets that will soon be heading out for super-heroic battles.

Give Fat Dragon’s Printable Owlbear A Big Hug


Fat Dragon have released a new set of sculpts for 3D printing, none other than one of the most well known monsters from the forests of Dungeons and Dragons: The Owlbear. 

Reckless Hearts Meet As Corvus Belli Reveal Aristeia! Expansion

6 years ago 2

Corvus Belli have provided us a look at a new expansion on the way for Aristeia!, bringing two new characters to clash within the HexaDome.

Infinity Wildfire Spreads Through Gen Con In New Two-Player Battle Pack

6 years ago 13

Corvus Belli has made the exciting announcement that they will be releasing an all-new Infinity Two-Player Battle Pack, featuring a whole new faction!

Wyrd Give GenCon Nautical Nightmares


Wyrd have revealed the special Nightmare Edition crew boxset that they are bringing with them to GenCon. It's time to set sail for Brine and Bones!

Twisted Takes A Journey To The West With Monkey’s Troupe


Demented Games have added a new group to the Guild of Harmony in the their steampunk game Twisted: Monkey's Troupe of Travellers.

MaxMini Are Hungry Like The Wolf For More Head Options


MaxMini are carrying on with their new lupine head options with a set of Feral Knight Wolf Pattern helmets. 

Necromunda’s Headsman Comes For Cawdor’s Foes


Forge World have released a new character to march in the ranks of Necromunda's House Cawdor, the sinister executioner known as The Headsman.

Pulp Monsters Partner With Kitbash To Raise Up Pulp City


This month saw the announcement from Pulp Monsters that they are partnering with Kitbash Games to bring a new era of development to Pulp City. 

Characters Stand In Defiance For Infinity Dungeon Crawler


Corvus Belli have revealed the renders for three of the characters that will be taking part in their upcoming scifi dungeon crawler Infinity Defiance.

Conquest Pre-Orders Go Live In The OTT Store

6 years ago 9

It's time to prepare for war, as Para Bellum's upcoming miniatures game Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings is now available to pre-order from the OnTableTop webstore. 

Raging Heroes Slither Into Battle With New Nagalith Lust Elves


Raging Heroes have returned with yet another addition to their Lust Elves faction: the brutal and beautiful House of Nagalith!

Puppets War Announce New Set Of Nightmare Noggins!


Puppetswar have us losing sleep with their latest offering of creepy craniums!

Create Mythical Menageries With Bestiary 3D Printable Models


More than any other realm, the fantasy world is often defined by its curious creatures, mythic monsters, and beautiful beasts.  Now, you can bring the wonders of the fantastical wild to your tabletop in a new, printable Bestiary which is brimming with astounding animals!

Puppets War Unveil New Orc Warbus Miniature


Alright ya gitz listen up, 'ere's a shinny nu warbus for yiz te be fightin' fer! Puppetswar has produced a new vehicle that will transport your biggest band of awesome orcs right into battle!

Rule The Realms Of Chaos With New Wood Axe Dwarven Lord


Personally, I would never insult a dwarf but, then again, I like my kneecaps attached to my legs

Room 17’s Mighty Lords Fight Among The Flames


The sounds of drums auspices war. Hearts burning with rage as the Mighty Lords march to battle. Their blades sharp and thirsty, their deadly gaze ever forward. Glory and death await. The graves are open, the gods of evil awaken, and the lords of war are ready.

AI Motorbikes, Replica Assassins & High-Tech Shamans In Infinity’s July Releases


Corvus Belli have revealed the host of new releases they have coming to the table for Infinity and Aristeia! this coming July. 

Gotrek’s Alive As We Get A Look At New Books & Miniature!


The mightiest dwarf who has ever lived is returning to the tabletop with a new miniature unveiled at this weekend's Black Library Live.

The Corvus Cabal Steps Out Of Warcry’s Shadows


Games Workshop revealed the latest of the chaotic killers for their upcoming skirmish game Warcry. This time we head to the Realm of Shadow to meet with the Corvus Cabal.

The Wood Elves Dance Back Onto The Blood Bowl Pitch


Games Workshop announced the return of the Wood Elves to the pitches of Blood Bowl as the new miniatures for the Athelorn Avengers are revealed.

Enforce Justice In Necromunda With New Palanite Enforcers


It's time for justice (or at least, the High Lord's definition of justice) to come to the Necromunda as Games Workshop have revealed the next faction stepping into the underhive: The Palanite Enforcers.

TGCM Création Showcase New Beastly Buccaneers


TGCM Création has released two new fighters for Briskars - their animalistic skirmish game set in the age of piracy.

Wyrd Spy Malifaux’s Undercover Reporter


Wyrd get us over a barrel for their latest Malifaux 3rd Ed. reveal as the Undercover Reporter pops up in search of a story.

Raging Heroes Lust Elves Crown Their Colossal Queen!


Lust Elves divide their loyalties alongside their looks - a bit like high school cliques, really.

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