Adepticon 2018 is coming!
We're getting together with Joey McGuire who was inspired by the game Fallout III to create the awesome game of This Is Not A Test.
We're talking with Bryan Steele from Cool Mini or Not about the new releases from Dark Age.
We get the low down from Doug Houseman, part of the team behind the Open Gaming & Bitz Trading aspect of AdeptiCon, about the abundance of terrain that's going to be available for gamers at the event.
This time on AdeptiCon Talks, Dawn is joined in the US by Hank Edley & Matthias Weeks, organisers from the AdeptiCon Board Of Overlords.
Hey guys, with only a week to go we're pumped and ready for AdeptiCon. I've got the organisers with me again this week to talk about a special feature in this years event. Fantasy Flight Games are setting up gaming hubs all around the world and there will be one at Adepticon.
Hey guys, with just a few weeks left now for Adepticon we're reeling in excitement with the organisers of the event and discussing what kind of neat merchandise will be available. Especially these amazing mats and signature medals for tournaments.
Hey guys, it's just now under a month to AdeptiCon and I hope you're as excited as we are!
Hey guys we have a fully loaded episode this week where we talk about Infinity at AdeptiCon 2016.
AdeptiCon Talks Ep8: Vendor Halls at AdeptiCon
9 years ago 2We're back again this week to introduce you to Dustin who overlooks all of the Vendor halls and to give us a sneak interview about what will be available this year at AdeptiCon.
We're back again this week with another AdeptiCon talks, this time with Jeremy from Warlord Games to talk about going behind the scenes with Bolt Action events at AdeptiCon 2016.
This week we're joined by Alex to talk about Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar available at Adepticon 2016. It's looking very exciting this year for the fantasy games and we're looking forward to playing a few games this year at AdeptiCon!
One of the companies that are going to be at AdeptiCon 2016 is Mantic Games with Kings of War amongst other titles. We're sitting down for a chat with them about the tournaments they are going to be running here and what else you can do Kings of War wise...
Dawn and Gianna meet up with Joe and Andrew to talk about Board Gaming at AdeptiCon 2016.
Dawn and Gianna meet up with Chris and Hank to talk about Warhammer 40k Tournaments which will be taking place at this years AdeptiCon!
AdeptiCon Talks EP 2: Interview With Wyrd Games
9 years ago 0Dawn and Gianna have recruited Sean Overton from Wyrd Games to talk about what's in store for us at AdeptiCon.
Come and join us for the first in a series of videos looking at the preparation for AdeptiCon 2016. We kick things off with a word on the new events and what key information you need to keep an eye out for...