Da Boss needs good defences to shoot from and this terrain is perfectly haphazard and awesome to make so we just had to give it a go.
We're back with another Hobby Lab, this time we're confinuing off where we left off last week and building the scaffold part of the Modular Water Tower.
Yes, it's Hobby Lab time and this week we're bringing you a water fuelled two parter episode in which we show you how to make this awesome Modular Water Tower.
It's no good having empty fields on your tabletop. We show you how to spruce them up with some Historical & Modern Hay Bales... As well as looking ace they work as good makeshift cover!
Hobby Lab is back for a new series!
John and Justin invade the Hobby Lab set to bring you guys a cool tutorial about modeling shell strikes on... you've guessed it, tanks.
In this episode of Hobby Lab we create some really cool craters using the fields we made in an earlier episode called "Dual Scale Threshed & Ploughed Fields".
In this Hobby Lab we create some telegraph poles using a handy PDF guide we have created that look great in a game of Bolt Action.
In the grim dark future there are only old wooden pallets to protect you!
In part two of our guide to making gaming palm trees Lloyd get's busy with paints and a Scouring Pad!
Discover how to build some really cool looking palm trees for your gaming table.
Make any gaming table more attractive by making your own super cool trees. In less than 20 min you could have your first tree done!
In this episode we showing you how to makeup and apply a Beasts of War MagiMix that will create a cool concrete texture!
Want to play epic battles in a massive cityscape? We show you how to create awesome City Roads & Blocks in this multi-part Hobby Lab!
Download Our Unique Camo Stencil Set Inside!
One of the best barbed wire techniques you will ever try, Perfect for Warhammer 40K, Bolt Action and every gaming table you want to go 'CRUNCH'!
With this tutorial you will know all you need to cover a 6x4 or greater gaming table with hedges galore!
We show you how to build some great fields for your gaming table! Note: An adult should supervise any younger viewers who wish to follow this tutorial.
Lloyd adds finishing details to the gaming table to create the rocky hillsides lush with plants & the protective edging!
Do you want to build an epic forest gaming table? If you do watch this series for ideas & tips!
Backstagers can now enjoy our GameScape series in which we show you how to build an epic gaming table from planning to completion.
What’s Happening at the Salute 2012 Hobby Lab?
13 years ago 15Check out the Hobby Lab at Salute 2012. Our booth where everyone and anyone could try out some of the best hobby products on the market for free!