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How To 3D Print HUGE Miniatures – Raging Heroes’ Arcadian Colossus | Heroes Infinite

2 years ago 5

For this month's "how to 3D print" video looking at the 3D Printable STL Files from Raging Heroes for Heroes Infinite, John shows you how to 3D Print HUGE miniatures with the Arcadian Colossus for the Arcadian Elves.

VLOG: 3D Printing Raging Heroes’ Yakazar, Sharkman Champion | Heroes Infinite

3 years ago 11

John dives into a fun "how to print" VLOG to show off how to bring the excellent 32mm miniatures from Raging Heroes' Heroes Infinite program to life! This month, we're taking sharkmen and pirates!

VLOG: 3D Printing Raging Heroes’ Marquita Mendoza! | Heroes Infinite


John dives into a fun "how to print" VLOG to show off how to bring the excellent 32mm miniatures from Raging Heroes' Heroes Infinite program to life!

A New Challenger Approaches! Who Will We Be Battling? | Raging Heroes Army Build

3 years ago 5

John, Shay and Gerry get stuck into a full reveal of the completed Raging Heroes Sisters Of Eternal Mercy Army that we're going to be using for our OnePageRules Grimdark Future Battle Report. But, who will be battling?

Raging Heroes Sisters Of Eternal Mercy Army Build | Adding The Final Miniatures!

3 years ago 3

John and Gerry sit down to cover the final miniatures being added to our Sisters Of Eternal Mercy Army Project. We've worked with the stunning miniatures from Raging Heroes to make an army for OnePageRule's Grimdark Future.

Raging Heroes Sisters Of Eternal Mercy Army Build | First 1000 points

3 years ago 5

John and Gerry collaborate to put together an alternative Sisters of Battle army using the Raging Heroes Sisters of Eternal Mercy. In this first army update, John shows off the first painted block of figures and Gerry runs through what they represent in One Page Rules Grimdark Future and how they can be used on the tabletop.

VLOG: D&D Display Dungeon Part #6 | Extra Cavern Height & Tentacles Of Doom #DungeonBuild

4 years ago 13

Warren continues his epic D&D Display Dungeon Build VLOG and in this update shows a cool way of adding extra height to the Archon Studio Dungeons & Lasers plastic kits.

We Built An Epic HeroQuest Board Using Dungeons & Lasers Terrain!

4 years ago 33

We set out to build an epic HeroQuest board using the Dungeons & Lasers dungeon terrain by Archon Studios which is currently available on Kickstarter!

VLOG: D&D Display Dungeon Part #5 | Experimenting In The Test Dungeon #DungeonBuild


Warren is getting creative with us today and continuing his VLOG series where he tests out paints and conversions in his test dungeon.

VLOG: D&D Display Dungeon Part #4 | Building The Entrance #DungeonBuild


Warren is getting creative with us today and continuing his VLOG series where he builds the entrance to his epic 28mm D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) Display.

VLOG: D&D Display Dungeon Part #3 | Adding Narrative #DungeonBuild


In this video, we're looking at adding narrative to this dungeon display and building on the diorama that Warren is looking to set up.

Star Wars: Legion Weekend Gaming Table Builds

5 years ago 24

Here's your chance to get early access to the Hobby Vlog and discover what the OnTableTop team has pulled together to cover all 3 trilogy's from the Star Wars universe. 

Tearing Down Our Massive Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table

5 years ago 13

It's almost the Star Wars Legion Hobby Weekend so we needed to teardown our missive 40K gaming table to make space!

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Eight]

6 years ago 12

It's finally here! The Warhammer 40K Hobby weekend has arrived! The terrain from Archon has never looked sweeter!

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Seven]

6 years ago 17

Woohoo, it's the day before the event and it's all guns blazing here at OnTableTop. There has been a flurry of activity over the past few days...but we're nearly there!

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Six]

6 years ago 27

In just under a week the 40k Weekend will strike and we couldn't be more excited and also nervous to get things underway.

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Five]

6 years ago 27

The 40k Weekend looms closer and we're finally reaching the last stages of our epic Apocalypse Gaming Table. Starting the painting progress on the Archon Terrain we can finally see the end in sight.

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Four]

6 years ago 24

As we gain closer traction to the 40k Weekend, Lloyd and the gang are up to their elbows in Wallpaper, Archon Terrain and Army Painter dip.

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Three]

6 years ago 24

As the 40k Weekend closes in, Lloyd gets hot and steamy under the pressure of Ireland's blazing Sun to finalize the board texture for the tabletop.

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Two]

6 years ago 16

Warren is back from holidays and along with brother Lloyd dives straight into constructing the MASSIVE 20ft Warhammer Apocalypse table.

Hobby VLOG: Weathering The Wizard Tower


John adds some of the finishing touches to the eccentric Wizard tower that he's been painting.

Hobby VLOG: Oil War Part Six


John presents the fully painted armies for the Oil War Project in their natural habitat: atop the gaming table!

Hobby VLOG: Oil War Part Five


John gives us an update on how his Oil War Project is going and what weathering details he's been thinking about.

Hobby VLOG: Oil War Part Four


John gives an update to the immense Oil War force he's building up, looking at some airbrushing and the amazing camo patterns going on.

Hobby VLOG: Oil War Part Three


John gets ready the 'stick of doom' to show us the magic of efficient priming for Oil War.

Hobby VLOG: Oil War Part Two


John takes us through the army lists he's been concocting for his Oil War project!

Hobby VLOG: Oil War – How Big Is Too Big?


John's been off for a week and he's got some inspiration on what to do for his next Hobby Vlog.

Hobby VLOG: Building An Epic Stalingrad Gaming Table


John and I have joined forces once again to bring you another Hobby Vlog, this time we're tackling the soon to be Flames of War Eastern Front battle and we need a Stalingrad style table to go with our Let's Plays.

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