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3 Colours Up: Painting High Elf Skin Tone


Warmachine Tactics: Slamming Enemies To Death


E'rrybody get up, it's time to SLAM now!

3 Colours Up: Painting Trollblood Skin & Features


3 Colours Up: Painting Hordes Skorne Emblem


Warmachine: Khador Versus Mercenaries [25 Point Battle]


The wrecking riot of the Iron Kingdoms rages on!

3 Colours Up: Two Brush Wet Blending Tutorial With Dallas


Dallas from Privateer Press has been with us in the studio with his beautiful sultry voice that could carry you off to Valhalla itself. *swoon*

Mennes’ Mini-Mashup: Custom Bases With Hirst Arts – Part Two


Mister Mennes is back with another awesome tutorial using Hirst Arts kit and Green Stuff.

Warmachine Unboxing: Cryx Battlegroup Starter Set

8 years ago 4

We're taking a look at a Warmachine Unboxing today as we dig into the Cryx Battlegroup from Privateer Press.

3 Colours Up: Painting The Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom (Part Three)


We're moving onto the third part of this monster scorpion from Romain as he paints up the Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom converted by Tomas Mennes.

3 Colours Up: Painting The Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom (Part Two)


We're moving onto the second part of this epic painting tutorial from Romain as he paints up the Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom converted by Tomas Mennes.

3 Colours Up: How To Paint Galaxy Skies


The sky is a beautiful thing during the day and even better at night. It's even more miraculous when it's explored!

3 Colours Up: Painting The Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom (Part One)


Last week we saw the amazing Prime Axiom from Warmachine build by Tomas Mennes and this week we're settling into the Hobby Lab Studio to paint the beast with Romain.

3 Colours Up: Lightning Shield


This time we're going to be creating a lightning effect and looking to expand upon the wealth of different shield designs you could create!

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