When it comes to painting your West Germans there are many techniques. Battlefront show off one such way as they paint the Leopard 2 from the new Team Yankee book.
We're back with another tutorial from Sorastro's Painting for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Imperial Assault. This time he is breaking out the paints to show you How To Paint Gideon Argus...
The makers of Age Of Tyrants, an upcoming 6mm Sci-Fi game, have teamed up with IL NANO NEFASTO Painting Studio to show off how to paint one of the Junker vehicles, the Draco Artillery Platform...
Sorastro's Painting has another Star Wars treat for us this month with a painting tutorial on How To Paint Diala Passil from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. It's time to embrace the power of the Force with this Jedi...
Sorastro's Painting continues his fantastic Star Wars: Imperial Assault painting guide series with one on the assassin droid IG-88...
Duncan Rhodes is back doing something a bit different for Age of Sigmar by Games Workshop this time. The newest video focuses on painting the Baleful Realmgate which is one of their new terrain pieces.
We're back with more from Sorastro's Painting where he now shows us how to paint up the Wookies known as Gaarkhan and Chewbacca from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games.
Now for something big and nasty. See what you think of this painting tutorial from Games Workshop for the mighty Khorgorath...
Another Games Workshop Tutorial for you this morning with tips from Duncan Rhodes on painting up the Blood Warriors and Blood Secrator...
Another painting tutorial for you this morning as Games Workshop have a look at some of the first Chaos models from the Age of Sigmar Starter Set...
The painting tutorials for Games Workshop's Age of Sigmar continue with the painting of the main Order character from the Starter Set...
Part two of a new range of Painting Tutorials is also up from Games Workshop. This time, Retributors and Ionus Cryptborn!
Games Workshop are back with another set of seven (yes, seven) painting tutorials for Age of Sigmar. Check it out!
Check out another painting guide for Imperial Assault by Sorastro where he shows you what do when painting up Jyn Odan!
Romain breaks out his paints and gets ready for another Skin Tone Tutorial this time focusing in on how to paint the skin tones of the Middle East.
On this May the 4th day we have another Painting Tutorial from Sorastro's Painting! In this episode he shows how to paint The Nexu from Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...
Sorastro's Painting gets stuck in and paints up the master of the Force that is Darth Vader from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games!
It's time to roll out the big guns this time as Sorastro's Painting goes into detail about how to paint the AT-ST from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games...
Sorastro's Painting is back with another tutorial for Star Wars Imperial Assault where he shows you how to paint the Imperial Officers from this Fantasy Flight Games board game...
Those red robed and mysterious defenders of the Emperor are the next up for the Sorastro's Painting treatment as he shows you how to paint them for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...
In the final part of this Weekend with Angel tutorial on the Kum Riders from Infinity we'll be taking a look at some more of the super-detailing and all the work that goes into the bases too!
In this second part of How to Paint the Kum Rider from Infinity Angel starts to work on the details of the rider and his bike. As well as a range of washes he'll also be talking about more of the work that goes into getting the skin just right.
We've got a real treat for you this weekend! On Friday, Saturday and Sunday the maestro of the (air)brush Angel Giraldez has taken some time to show us how to paint the awesome Kum Riders from Infinity! This is the model that won him best painted during the Beasts of War Awards 2014!
Sorastro's Painting is back with another tutorial showing you how to paint up the Imperial Probe Droids from the Star Wars Imperial Assault board game by Fantasy Flight Games. Do you want to try out some cool metallic techniques?
Sorastro's Painting takes us through a step by step guide to painting the Stormtroopers from the Star Wars: Imperial Assault game by Fantasy Flight Games...
Another painting tutorial for you this week from Games Workshop and this time Duncan Rhodes is going to show you how to paint up one of the Tyranid Maleceptors in the style of Hive Fleet Leviathan!
It's time for the next stages of painting our Plague Commander for Deadzone in a H.R. Giger style! Romain moves on to adding lighting effects and showing off the shadows on this cool and creepy miniature.
Welcome to another tutorial with out fantastic painter Romain. Today he's getting to grips with the Plague Commander from Deadzone, and he plans to paint up this monstrous creature in a rather H.R. Giger style. That sounds like it's going to turn out, dark, creepy and horrifyingly beautiful!
We continue work on the Dropzone Commander Reaver Gunship where Romain adds the final bloody details and some creepy eyes! It's time to finish up this epic paint scheme!
In part 3 of this End Times painting tutorial Duncan Rhodes looks at painting the flesh of the mighty Nagash. With so much dead flesh to paint where would you start?
It's time for the grand finale of Romain's epic Kommander Sorscha painting tutorial! She's turned out a treat and I reckon this uniform would pass the stringent checks of the Khadorian army! What do you think of Romain's techniques here and what would you like to see next on 3 Colours Up?
See what you think of this quick and easy way of painting ghostly undead miniatures for use in a Vampire Counts army in Warhammer Fantasy or indeed anywhere else where spirits dwell! All of this thanks to Games Workshop Belfast!
It's time for another painting tutorial today and this one's from the folks behind Flames of War. They'll be showing you a quick and easy way to paint up an M26 Pershing Tank for the battlefield. Looks like a very simple scheme with good tabletop results!
In the second installment of Miniatures ER Romain moves on to the main issues with Justin's Ordic Pistoleer. This time he'll be covering more about the rather unfortunate choice of skin tone and some parts that really shouldn't be blue!
John takes us step by step through Warren's Tyranid paint scheme.
The painting master Romain brings out an Aquan Stingray Class Destroyer from Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games and takes advantage of its beautiful flowing sculpt to paint up in a fantastic teal paint scheme.
Romain tries some of the washes from Secret Weapon... what will he think of them?
Here is the final section of John's Remastered Painting tutorial... it's time for the final details, washes and basing.