New Warhammer 40K Aeldari Codex & Aspect Warrior Pre-Orders!
January 20, 2025 by brennon
Games Workshop will take pre-orders for the new Aeldari Codex and a host of revamped Aspect Warriors this weekend. The Craftworlds will be spilling forth from the Webway and into the world of Warhammer 40,000 very soon.
Codex: Aeldari // Warhammer 40,000
Leading the way will be the Codex itself which comes packed with background about the Aeldari including the tragic history and the way they slot into the story of Warhammer 40,000 right now. There are eight Detachments in the book including one for Harlequins and the semi-obsessed Ynnari. You will also get a brand new Combat Patrol, Crusade rules and all of the Datasheets for your units.
The Datasheets are prone to changes so always be wary when buying a new Codex for Warhammer 40,000. Points are always online and whilst Datasheets are in the app, you will need the Codex to unlock them. Keep that in mind before you scoop up any physical products from Games Workshop.
You can also pre-order a new set of Aeldari dice in a red theme with a gem effect alongside the Datasheet Cards (the same warning applies for these).
Aeldari Dice & Datasheet Cards // Warhammer 40,000
I always find the Datasheet Cards incredibly useful at the tabletop, more so than the app (which is great for building but not quick referencing). It's just a shame that they tend to issue these once and then they don't get reprinted when new details emerge. Maybe a clue that Games Workshop should start to look at just releasing rules digitally from now on or at least making it a second option.
New & Returning Aspect Warriors
It wouldn't be a new Codex without a swathe of new miniatures and the Aeldari get some very nice new toys to play with. One of them is the new Phoenix Lord for the Warp Spiders, Lhykhis, the Whispering Web.
Lhykhis, the Whispering Web // Warhammer 40,000
She appears from nowhere in a blitz of blades and alien weaponry. She comes armed with Brood Twain, her death spinners and Spider's Fang, "dual monofilament injectors akin to the feared Harlequins kiss". A stunning new miniature and shown at just the right moment as she bursts from the ether, ready to strike.
She is joined by new miniatures for the Warp Spiders who haven't been updated in forever and an age.
New Warp Spiders // Warhammer 40,000
The set gives you enough components to make your Warp Spiders and your Exach alongside those dual blades. There are also unhelmeted versions for those who follow the way of the Ynnari. I like that Games Workshop are also continuing the trend of including an Aspect Shrine token in each set.
My favourite of the Phoenix Lords also makes a return this weekend. Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind will be swooping into battle to deal justice to the enemies of the Aeldari.
Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind // Warhammer 40,000
Fury of the Tempest and the Shining Blade are going to be perfect at picking off enemies at range and in close combat. The most learned and inspirational of the Phoenix Lords, Baharroth is getting added to my collection as soon as possible.
He comes backed up by the deadly Swooping Hawks who are another of the very, very old sets to now get a plastic release rather than being confined to metal and Finecast.
New Swooping Hawks // Warhammer 40,000
The Swooping Hawks were one of the first units I ever picked up for Warhammer 40,000 and I was always in awe of their blue armour and those lovely wings. Hopefully, they continue to be great in battle and could add some much-needed manoeuvrability to my rather slow Iyanden army.
Fuegan, the Burning Lance also leads his Fire Dragons into the heart of the fighting soon armed with that fearsome firepike Searsong.
Fuegan, the Burning Lance // Warhammer 40,000
Tanks and heavily armoured troops beware. This fellow will end up turning you into piles of slag and if that fails, the Fire Axe will finish the job. He can lead the way in a unit of Fire Dragons alongside a well-trained Exarch.
New Fire Dragons // Warhammer 40,000
It's so good that the Aspect Warriors are finally getting the update that they deserve. The Aeldari got a really nice update with the rework of the Guardians and some of the character figures but it was high time that these elite elements of so many Aeldari armies got updated from metal and Finecast. They look brilliant and carry over so much of the old aesthetic of the Eldar from back in the day.
Last but not least, we have Asurmen the Hand of Asuryan who will be leading the way for all manner of Aeldari armies and not just those pledged to Biel-Tan and the Court Of The Young King.
Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan // Warhammer 40,000
The first and the oldest of the Phoenix Lords and a survivor of The Fall, he is the leader of the Dire Avengers, a master strategist and a talismanic figure to the Aeldari. He looks fantastic and comes armed with the Bloody Twins, his shuriken catapults and the first-ever diresword. A great way to build a thematic force around the new Aspect Warriors.
Repackaged Miniatures
As well as all of the new Aeldari miniatures above, some repackaged sets are going to be coming back this weekend. The Wave Serpent has been put together alongside the components for making a Falcon Grav Tank so it's all in one place.
Wave Serpent // Warhammer 40,000
Falcon Grav Tank // Warhammer 40,000
Use this set to make your transports for your Aspect Warriors and the standard support tank for the Aeldari. A few Wave Serpents would be great for getting Striking Scorpions and Howling Banshees into the heart of combat without getting shot to pieces.
You can also get one of the weirdest sets, the Aeldari War Walkers. I have never really liked this version of the War Walker even though it's probably quite good in-game. I just think it looks very awkward.
Aeldari War Walkers // Warhammer 40,000
All of these pre-orders will be popping up this weekend so if you're a new Aeldari player or a returning fan, there should be something for you. As mentioned above, I'm an Iyanden fan but I am sorely tempted to make an elite Aspect Warrior-focused army. Don't tempt me...
Are you going to be scooping up these miniatures?
"A great way to build a thematic force around the new Aspect Warriors..."
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Asurmen looks fab like the old 2nd ed cover.
Yeah it’s a great call back
I’m pretty sure, that if nothing else, I’ll order the Asuremen model – for nostalgia, this weekend.
So after decades of waiting we’re finally getting all hard plastic Aspect Warriors and their leaders ?
So sad that the entire faction has become a mere shadow of its former self.
I remember seeing the Aspect warriors in White Dwarf and wanting them all when they were first revealed.
These days ? Not so much. Armybooks lost their souls, kind of like the Eldar did.
Oh, crap I think I officially crossed the barrier where, while I mjust admit these are just better models, my love for the old ones is to big to care for them…..
One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!
The swooping hawks / warp spiders are all massive improvements (I still have the metal versions) as well as the Phoenix lords. It’s notable that the best one is the completely new Warp Spider exarch while down the other end the fire dragons just feel a bit dull. They always felt like Guardians with melta guns and slightly different helmet. Feels a slightly missed opportunity to find some way to jazz up their armour but then maybe you get people complain they liked the old look. Maybe bulk them up a bit more. Still it’s going to be expensive as… Read more »
I like them (except for the Swooping Hawk foot on rock issue), and they are nicer, better, cleaner versions of old models that I also like… But I don’t find them particularly inspiring or exciting. I don’t know that I’d have liked to see them radically change the designs though. I guess it shows what good designs and sculpts the originals were that even modern versions of them don’t feel like great improvements. The Warp Spider Exarch is the best of the bunch, and I don’t think that’s only because she’s not an update of an old model. Perhaps a… Read more »
I like the War Walkers too! I think they are a big improvement over the original metal ones.