TURN 8 the Revenge!

June 18, 2011 by beerogre

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As our loyal TURN 8 fans might know there were problems with Justin TV last night, we received a notice from them this morning, explaining that a "bug" had crept into the system, which required the whole system to be shut down.

However, we at Beasts of War will not to be beaten by mere bugs and so we recorded TURN 8 and here it is!

The vibe wasn't the same and we didn't give any prizes away in the show... but for those stalwart few that stayed with us until Justin TV came back (somewhere around 02:00am here) there was a bonus. We gave away 3 copies of Warmachine: Wrath to three lucky viewers.

Anyway, we still have the fantastic competition prize from Tor Gaming to give away next time on TURN 8. So if you're interested in Relics, get over to their website and download the Alpha Test rules before they're gone... the cut-off date is July 1st... so time is marching on!

Keep an eye out for TURN 8 today and stay tuned for Darrell's Big Day Out with his new 40K tournament prize!

BoW Andy

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