TURN 8 the Revenge!
June 18, 2011 by beerogre
As our loyal TURN 8 fans might know there were problems with Justin TV last night, we received a notice from them this morning, explaining that a "bug" had crept into the system, which required the whole system to be shut down.
However, we at Beasts of War will not to be beaten by mere bugs and so we recorded TURN 8 and here it is!
The vibe wasn't the same and we didn't give any prizes away in the show... but for those stalwart few that stayed with us until Justin TV came back (somewhere around 02:00am here) there was a bonus. We gave away 3 copies of Warmachine: Wrath to three lucky viewers.
Anyway, we still have the fantastic competition prize from Tor Gaming to give away next time on TURN 8. So if you're interested in Relics, get over to their website and download the Alpha Test rules before they're gone... the cut-off date is July 1st... so time is marching on!
Keep an eye out for TURN 8 today and stay tuned for Darrell's Big Day Out with his new 40K tournament prize!
BoW Andy
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Supported by (Turn Off)
Supported by (Turn Off)
Thanks for showing some support for D&D guys 🙂 Much appreciated!!! With the Red Box btw, this follows the new Essentials style that comes in their new (and cheaper) books rather than the big hardbacks – so bear that in mind because its ALOT cheaper to get into than the 4th Edition ‘pure’ as it were. Also the map is ace, ’cause you have to fold it in the right way to hide the other zones 🙂 And the tokens, according to their R&D guys were made so it would be easier to transport your D&D experience around without having… Read more »
Also, if you’re thinking of running a live roleplaying game, why not see what Privateer announce about the future of their Iron Kingdoms RPG line during Lock and Load this weekend? If they have some products lined up to release for this year, why not hold out until then and give them a try?
I guess most of you are already familiar with the Iron Kingdoms setting.. and the previous IK RPG books (D&D 3.5) were pretty awesome!
Still dont think its very fair to give out prizes at gone two in the morning, it kind of excludes the vast majority of your viewers from winning, only leaving insomniacs or those of us who dont have to get up in the morning for work.
They didnt give out any prizes as far as I am aware
they did mate, at about 2.30 in the morning on justin tv they did a little 20-30 minute segment, they gave out the 3 wrath books then
yeah but you have viewers from all around the globe so which one of these would you exclude from the whole fairness-part ? …you simply cannot make it right for everyone ^^
Man, I don’t know if anyone else almost did, but I almost tweeted BoW a few times during that!! lol
Great stuff, I really like those new terrain clip together ‘things’. Looking forward to the terrain bits in backstage too!!!
Hmm… My comment disappeared with the old topic. Now I have slight fraction of knowledge how you felt when YouTube nuked you a few weeks back. 😉
Anyway, a long comment to short one.
Great snow once again. It’s great we’ll see more support on roleplayling games. Hope we’ll be getting more unboxing videos for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and other systems which still use boxed sets. And hopefully we’ll get some detailed introductions to some of the systems you’ll be presenting. The paper terrain (by both BoW and Terraclips) looks great and I’m waiting for the Terraclips unboxing vid.
Sorry about closing the other post, but it had got a bit big, so we thought a nice fresh one would be in order 🙂
No problemo 🙂
was annoyed to see live 8 at 300 this morning…..missed it as i was spamming bow website not even bothering with justin anymore. less than 6 hrs sleep means ill suffer later today
Nice updates Gotta love the steptoe and son theme, that still shot of William would be improved with a packet of cheese in his carrier bag (possibly half eaten). just noticed PP 2 player set has a vanquisher! doh, that is looking so awesome. Remote control Lego FTW, must see a build video Great to see Terraclips finally might be alive- the clips are nasty but card looks good, great as tiles if nothing else. Cant wait for unboxing vid. prefer clear clips to smoke grey Gamescape sounds awesome!! foamcore is win Selling a load of stuff, cash may get… Read more »
Damn you web gods! Why so much hate for justin.tv?! Why did you have to send down your bolts of crashing lightning, WHY!! What have we done to deserve such a punishment?!
Was Alessio lying in his bed during the recording?
Happy hangovers to all those of you who supported the community in chat while justin.tv was down.
Today, I started the design on a ‘Base Wars’ rule set……. Only Joking….
Or am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
HAHAHAHA, we can only hope….
Can knock something together if you really want us too.
With counters included?!?
Of course! 😀
oh god…. i started this…. oh what have I done???
Started something good.
I actually missed the beginning of it….. what was it about?
Oceangrave wanted more bases…and then it went downhill from there. If you could replace a movie or phrase with “base” it was posted in chat.
@wildchevy ummm, ok. lol
How you lot got from wanting more bases to the whole ‘base in a phrase’ thing is beyond me!!! Was funny to read though.
in the end, the Bases of War was created, now I must paint up the Red Base of Courage and put it on minirama to remember this historic moment
How do you get the newsletter? Or is it random atm?
@brabruski We will be adding a signup form to the site but in the mean time if you use the form at the top of every page called “Sign Up For The FREE Warpath BETA” you will bet the Beasts of War Bulletin too 🙂
will we get to hear about that special 8th race??? is it fishmen!?!?!?!?!?
Hey guys, great show. always entertaining.
Im glad to see you guys showing more interest and news and reviews toward RPGs. Id like to see some thoughts or more articles on FFG’s Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch/Black Crusade games.
The terrain announcement for backstagers is awesome as well. Excited to get into that next month!
The terrain project may have just sold me on a Backstage Pass.
Please , borgs have the most sexiest dominatrix space witches in the entire Multiverse!!
Theres a good chance Hill -arity could evolve from a comment as base as that
I think this was my favourite turn 8. The first 10 minutes were comedy gold. Thanks guys for staying up to put it out.
lol I tracked down the Tesco store that Darrell visited… Is that where all you guys come from?
Don’t worry im not a stalker, I have this weird thing where any places I see in tv / movies I have to try and find them :/
Great show, shame Justin.tv can’t handle content as popular as BoW but that’s out of your hands. Hands up, I bailed last night (this morning) and missed the mini show and competition, but fair play to those that hung on in there. Backstage scenery project looks brilliant. I was happy enough to join to support the a site I check multiple times a day but free rules and terrain cannot be argued with. The set you showed looked great and I eagerly await is arrival. My immediate suggestion for the follow-up would be something a little more contemporary looking for… Read more »
On a side note….
Warren… do u have something you need to tell us????
Great almost live show guys.
Good show even if it did feel a little lonely. Not sure about the DnD Red Box, it’s a year since it came out and even then it was heavily panned. Make sure if you do talk about D&D that you talk about the essentials books and _not_ the hardback books: PH1 is badly out of date and has been ‘errataed’ to death. If you are going to do RPGs I’d like to see some Call of Cuthulu but that depends on wether you want to do role playing or roll playing. Much as I’d like to recommend the FFG… Read more »
Also something else I wanted to add is that many role players have gone the way of tokens over minis as they are easier to transport. Also there is a growing swell of playing on line with online maps and token setups. If minis and adventure are more your thing you can get DnD minis in the boardgames of Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon. DnD minis on ebay can be stupidly expensive especially for generic figures and their races can be hard to buy for – Dragonborn are a great race in the game but fining minis for them… Read more »
“I find that DnD quickly turns into a tactical wargame with scant reference to things like plot which is why I have moved away from minis to put more emphasis on imagination.”
That’s why you need a good Dungeon Master 🙂
Yes, a good game master is a rare thing indeed… It an turn everything into beautiful storytelling. However, some games MAKE good GMs, and some just don’t encourage them… That’s just my opinion. I’m a guy who finds combat in an RPG to be an option, and I always make it so that the PCs can avoid it… I also like diceless RPGs where you play mere concepts, like Nobilis. I play it quite often, no kidding ! It doesn’t stop me from enjoying tactical mini combat, and even D&D4, which is a little bit of RPG and a lot… Read more »
@elromanozo & others
have you tried
Call of Cthulhu or “Trail”
Herowars/Heroquest or the spin off Mythic Russia?
also games like Spirit of the Century, The Mountain Witch, Polaris, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dont rest your head
I also recommend Dying Earth- to not buy it would be a sign of inferior intellect common in the lesser embiggened
a lot of the above found at
I know Polaris, CoC (my favorite ! All systems except D20), and Dying Earth… And many many more ! I’ve been doing this a while… lol.
Thanks for the recommendations, i’ll look into that !
BoW Romain
Nice episode. Sucks that it wasn’t live but thats alright. I can’t wait to get my hands the beta rules for warpath. I’m not part of backstage yet but i’m planning on it very soon, but when someone makes awsome looking space dwarves I just have to say i’m in. Still want to do mantic orcs and abbyssal dwarves first before I do warpath. Also I think you guys need to try and get the reaper game warlord and have a few games of that. Now I know you guys said that it’s hard to get the reaper stuff over… Read more »
The Pathfinder campaign setting, Golarion, is amazingly well done. I run games set in Golarion using D&D 4th Edition.
If people want a good proper hardcore Roleplay with a LOT of character building and talking and pretty much acting – try the World of Darkness. Word of Darkness – Werewolf the Forsaken – Vampire The Requiem etc etc…it can be seen as a bit gothy, but MY GOD you feel like SUCH a badass when your playing as a werewolf and tearing things to pieces. BUT the whole essence of what the game is is so free flow that you spend a lot of time just talking with each other in character and following (in the case of Werewolf)… Read more »
Very true ! You can do very well indeed with that system and setting… Or you can play it in such a powergaming way that even hardcore munchkins would be ashamed. I’ve seen it, alas !
This tends to be rare, these days, luckily.
BoW Romain
Darrell you got to go back! Pick me up some ChokaBok its half price! I think its Orc ice cream, I never get that in Canada 🙁