Unboxing: Islamic Infantry & Archers | Victrix Miniatures
February 2, 2025 by brennon
Dive into a new unboxing from Gerry where he reviews the new 28mm plastic Islamic Infantry & Archers that you can pick up from Victrix Miniatures for their Medieval range.
Get Victrix's Islamic Infantry & Archers
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These would be the perfect core for someone looking to build a Medieval army for the Crusades and comes packed with all manner of weapon options, armour and heads for you to craft both a skirmishing force and a larger army.
Could you be tempted by the new Islamic Infantry & Archers from Victrix?
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scantly clad lads with curved swords! CURVED SWORDS!
only 12.5% scantily clad
Are they just on holiday in the sun? Or are they actually trying to kill you? Or are they trying to kill you while on holiday in the sun? Who knows….
They would be good fighting the third foot an mouth regiment