You will never find a more tiny hive of scum and villainy
Recommendations: 215
About the Project
Building a tables’ worth of epic terrain for 6-8mm games - inspired by Mos Eisley
Related Game: Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2024
This Project is Active
Let me take you by the hand, and lead you through the streets of Mos Eisley
Here’s 2 “streets” assembled. Again, I’ll be smoothing down the based edges and rounding off the corners before adding sand.
By making streets like this, they’ll be less fiddly than arranging tonnes of individual buildings. These can be laid out in grids and blocks, but also radials from the Space Ports – for more variety.
A fleet of ships
I built the Millennium Falcon, and glued together my concept for a grav-transport/bus. Not a bad looking collection of vessels to start filling out Mos Eisley?
Space ports!
And here’s the two space ports assembled and mostly detailed. I’m really pleased with the two observation towers – they look great.
I’ve added little greeblies over the rings to break up the very smooth look. Once they’ve been textured, painted and weathered they should fit right in.
I’ll be smoothing down the edges of the foam board bases and texturing with fine sand too. The bases are a bit chunky – but will hopefully look okay when all painted up.
First go at laying out some space ports
I got this vent adaptor rings from B&Q and some PVC pipe thingy. They looked like they’d be a good size for some circular landing docks – like the Millennium Falcon flew out from in Episode IV.
I think these will work really well, with details and extra elements applied. So next – build them!
More bits that might come in handy
Anything (anything) can be source for materials for kit bashing and scratch-building.
I bought some Toffifee (who knew they still made them!) for some nostalgia. They were quite tasty. But, they also came in a tray that has all these lovely domes. A feature of desert cities like Mos Eisley and Mos Essa is domed roofs. While Santorini came with a lot, having some different ones with different details is always handy. I’ll carefully trim these out and use them as needed.
These are lids from a furniture polish spray. Look at the rustic ancient-temple like shaping of them. The little ‘door’ is perfectly scaled for 6-8mm miniatures too. I’m thinking of making some kind of rocky outcrop and having these as ancient temples on a hillside.
A spaceport has gotta have spaceships
Here’s a few 3d printed spaceships I got from Etsy. They are scaled for X-Wing and so are perfect for 6-8mm tabletops. These will make great additions and “flavour” of the board – being able to be docked in the spaceport or parked nearby.
The details on these are great, and I’m looking forward to getting them painted up.
Getting back on it
October and November have not been great for me health-wise, including some time in hospital last week. I’m not likely to get my TerrainFest project finished by end of December, having started late and lost the last few weeks too 🙁
But, here’s a set of updates that I had progressed, and what I want to get on with next.
First of all – greeblies.
“Greebles, also greeblies (singular: greebly), or “nurnies”, are parts harvested from plastic modeling kits to be applied to an original model as a detail element.”
I save all kinds of little bits from kits and even bits punched out of boardgames and cardboard building kits. These make excellent tiny details for buildings, spaceships etc.
Spaceport and space bus
I’m planning on looking for some kind of plumbing pipe/fitting to make a circular space port – big enough to fit the Millenium Falcon. But I also want a cool entrance – like entering a train station atrium or similar. Two of these manufactorum pieces make a good shape.
I’ve also been playing with other pieces from the set. Adding a generator to the front of this crane piece makes a great staring shape for some kind of grav-transport, imagining this as a bus of some kind. What do you think?
Mos Eisley needs the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy
Picked this up on eBay for a few quid. At 1:241 scale it’s pretty good for 6-8mm compatibility. Here’s also some sprue pictures and size comparisons to a Warlord Titan and the buildings. I think that looks pretty good, don’t you?
Testing out some components
Here’s a couple of pictures showing how well some of the pieces from the Manufactorum set match up to the Santorini towers.
These will really allow sci-fi and more detailed elements to be added to the buildings.
Adding sci-fi elements
I already had this box of Legions Imperialis accessories – factory towers, pipes and suchlike. There are a few very WH40k elements, but mostly it’s pieces that easily fit into Star Wars style universe, or can be easily modified/painted to look the part.
Let’s take a look at some of the sprues
Starting inspiration
A few years back, my children accidentally lost all the playing figures for our copy of the board game Santorini. I got a replacement copy, but have had all the buildings from the first copy in my bits box for the last few years. They’re too good to throw out and now – aha! They are perfectly sized for 6-8mm gaming.
Here’s what they look like.