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ALL Your Favourite TV Shows In ONE Miniatures Game?! #OTTWeekender

1 day ago 45

It's OTTWeekender time! What if you could have all your favourite TV shows and movies in just ONE miniatures game? In this week's show, we dive into some awesome miniatures from across Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, History and Pulp that you can get from the team at Crooked Dice for their excellent miniatures wargame, 7TV.

OnTableTop Industry Awards For 2024


Join us for the OnTableTop Industry Awards For 2024 where we are honouring the best tabletop games and products from last year across board games, card games, miniature wargames and beyond.

We Painted The NEW Salute 2025 Miniatures!


Gerry and John showcase the new miniatures from the South London Warlords for Salute 2025! John shows off how he painted the miniature for Lieutenant Colonel James Macdonell for all you Napoleonic fans and also the Highlander Mech Pilot.

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Cult Of Games XLBS: Searching For The Obscure; Where Should We Look For Gaming Potential?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we discuss the potential for going off-book and looking for gaming opportunities in obscure and forgotten battles. Not just in historical wargames but also in fantasy and science fiction.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Too Much Stuff! Has The Wargaming Hobby Become Overwhelming?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we talk about getting overwhelmed by just how much stuff there is in the hobby for you to contend with! Do you feel like you get overwhelmed by your choice of wargame or perhaps the hobby as a whole? Has it got worse in recent years? Please tell us what you think!

Cult Of Games XLBS: How Do You Get People Into Wargaming In 2025?


Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, John takes the plunge into the Fantasy world of Kings Of War with a new army plus we ask the question; how do you get new people into the hobby and wargames in 2025?

Community Spotlight: A Tour Of Duty, Building Antioch & Old Skool Adobe Village!


Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

How To Play Blood On The Sands – New Gladiator Skirmish Game!


Gerry and Shay learn to play the awesome new gladiatorial miniatures board game Blood On The Sands which is now funding over on Kickstarter. In this video, Gerry shows off a sample of gameplay and how to play over the course of a few turns.

Unboxing: Pulp Adventure Zombies | Wargames Atlantic


Gerry unboxes and reviews the recently released 28mm Pulp Adventure Zombies from Wargames Atlantic which could be used for all sorts of excellent Pulp skirmishes but would also be equally fitting for Sci-Fi and Fantasy wargaming! Are these the best wargaming zombies for tabletop gaming?

Unboxing: Foot Serjeants (1150 -1320) | Wargames Atlantic


Gerry unboxes and reviews the new set of 28mm plastic miniatures from Wargames Atlantic for their Historical Age of Chivalry range. Get a look at what you get inside the Foot Serjeants set and how that can be used with your Medieval armies.

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Unboxing: Tollingchester Terrain – Town Starter Set | Sarissa Precision


Gerry unboxes and reviews more of the 28mm scale Tollingchester Terrain from Sarissa Precision which has been designed for Grey For Now Games' Guards Of Traitor's Toll skirmish game. All of this comes fully coloured so you just need to assemble it! Here, he's looking at the Town Starter set.

Community Spotlight: Savage Core Atlanteans, ALL The Conans & Sci-Fi Rocket Ships!


Join us this week for a look at Savage Core and some of the fantastic Atlanteans from that range alongside many, many versions of Conan and some fantastic War Rockets out of the black!

Unboxing: Magic: The Gathering Foundations Beginner Box | Wizards Of The Coast


Justin unleashes his inner wizard as he takes a look through the Magic: The Gathering Foundations Beginner Box from Wizards of the Coast, a perfect way to begin your journey into tabletop card games of magic and monsters.

Unboxing: Norman Unarmoured Cavalry | Victrix Miniatures


Gerry unboxes and reviews the 28mm scale plastic Norman Unarmoured Cavalry set from Victrix Miniatures which could be used for invading armies during the Dark Age as well as the Early Medieval period.

Unboxing: Islamic Infantry & Archers | Victrix Miniatures


Dive into a new unboxing from Gerry where he reviews the new 28mm plastic Islamic Infantry & Archers that you can pick up from Victrix Miniatures for their Medieval range.

INSANE New Trench Crusade Miniatures 🔥 – We’re OBSESSED! #OTTWeekender

2 weeks ago 27

It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's episode, a new Kickstarter has caught our attention featuring some absolutely amazing new Trench Crusade miniatures! The Red Brigade from Westfalia Miniatures is a perfect first expansion to the Trench Crusade world after last year's hit fundraiser.

Double Trouble…

6 months ago 7

Give @caesar a friendly welcome in the comments to his own channel here OnTableTop!


7 months ago 4

Give @caesar a friendly welcome in the comments to his own channel here OnTableTop!


8 months ago 8

Give @caesar a friendly welcome in the comments to his own channel here OnTableTop!

Tips For Speed Painting 10mm Miniatures – Armoured Clash Union Infantry!


John shows off how to paint some of the 10mm Armoured Clash Infantry from the new Union faction by Warcradle Studios. In this painting tutorial, he is painting up some of the standard Union Federal Troopers that will form the backbone of your Armoured Clash army.

Unboxing: Tollingchester Terrain – Market Day Starter Set | Sarissa Precision


Gerry unboxes and reviews more of the 28mm scale Tollingchester Terrain from Sarissa Precision which has been designed for Grey For Now Games' Guards Of Traitor's Toll skirmish game. All of this comes fully coloured so you just need to assemble it! Here, he's looking at the Market Day Starter set.

Community Spotlight: New Blood, Undead Armies & Mutant War Zones


Get a look at some brilliant miniature painting from the community including one of our youngest hobbyists. We also have a project all about getting people into the hobby!

Astartes II Is Coming! New Warhammer 40K Teaser Trailer From GW!


It's actually happening. Astartes II is going to be a reality. The hit digital animation will be back with the original animator, Syama, onboard to bring his twist on Warhammer 40,000 to screens. 

Indie Of The Week


Check out our Indie Of The Week picks from each OnTableTop Weekender! Whether it's a great Sci-Fi wargaming range, a new Fantasy epic or something for the discerning Historical wargamer, you'll be able to find our weekly segments within!

Unboxing: 28mm Undead Fantasy Miniatures | Traders Galaxy


Gerry unboxes and reviews something alternative from the team at Traders Galaxy. This time, he's giving his opinions on the awesome 28mm Fantasy Undead miniatures for use in a mixture of different wargames.