In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some excellent Soulblight Gravelords vampires, finish the fight with Halo and the Master Chief and then dive into an immense Victoriana-styled terrain project.
Corvus Belli will be adding some reinforcements to the Warcrow line-up for the beginning of 2025. The new Fantasy miniatures for the Hegemony Of Embersig and Northern Tribes are here to bulk out your forces with more standard troops.
Black Crab Miniatures, the collaboration between Andrew May and Moritz Krebs (@blackcrabarts) returns to Kickstarter with a new campaign covering a new set of 28mm miniatures, the Pathetic Cavalcade of Doomed Knights.
TTCombat has released a festive Rumbleslam team for you to snap up during December. The North Swole team (love it) comes packed with festive fighters for you to drop into your 32mm scale Fantasy wrestling game.
Games Workshop revealed three new miniatures joining the Warhammer: The Old World range for the Empire Of Man. These new Wizards will be joining the revival of The Old World on the tabletop alongside their strange Familiars.
Check out our Indie Of The Week picks from each OnTableTop Weekender! Whether it's a great Sci-Fi wargaming range, a new Fantasy epic or something for the discerning Historical wargamer, you'll be able to find our weekly segments within!
PWork Wargames are taking pre-orders for a brand-new Combat Book for you to use when diving into your roleplaying games and perhaps even a skirmish game or two. The third book in the series is on the way, coming in early 2025.
Knightmare Miniatures' latest Kickstarter introduces a new wave of 28mm metal Fantasy figures for those seeking to build armies of Evil Dwarfs as part of their Oldhammer projects.
Mantic Games revealed a brand new 2-Player Starter Set for those wanting to dive into their Fantasy world of Pannithor. Those diving into Kings Of War can now pre-order Battle For The Coral Gate which features the Trident Realm and Forces Of The Abyss.
Grey For Now Games recently previewed a first look at the new plastic sprues for their upcoming Fantasy wargame, Guards Of Traitor's Toll. Wargames Atlantic is helping bring the plastic miniatures to life for the game.
Medbury Miniatures has shown off the brand new array of Fantasy releases that will be coming to Patreon for the month of December. This is another great set of saga-worthy heroes for you to use in your 28mm wargames but they wouldn't look out of place in Historical games as well.
We dive into some amazing terrain projects from the community this week as part of the Community Spotlight and a set of Space Marines that take us back in time to an old PC game!
Sarissa Precision are making the brand new, pre-coloured and easy-to-assemble terrain for Guards of Traitor's Toll by Grey For Now Games. Gerry unboxes and reviews one of the terrain pieces from the Tollingchester collection, Ratt House Bank, and shows off some of the functionality of the set.
Max FitzGerald, the mind behind Turnip28, is back on Kickstarter right now with the first big expansion to this game of mud, blood, rusty armour and root vegetables. The Shattered Lance offers brand new miniature kits that you can kitbash and convert to your heart's content.
Games Workshop has been previewing more character miniatures coming to Warhammer: The Old World to support the revival of "Fantasy Battle" on the tabletop. Both the forces of Chaos and the Empire Of Man can call on heavily armoured heroes to lead the way.
Gerry gets stuck into another unboxing and review of the new range of 35mm miniatures from Steamforged Games for use in Warmachine. In this video, Gerry unboxes and reviews the Cryx Necrofactorium Battlegroup Box which gives you a great way to enhance your force.
Satyr Art Studio released a bunch of new 28mm metal miniatures over the last week or so. There are some great Oldhammer nods in here, perfect for those who want to delve back into the valley of nostalgia and revel in days gone by.
Spellcrow will be relaunching and enhancing their Umbra Turris 28mm Fantasy skirmish game soon and kicking that off, they are going to be fundraising very soon for a new set of Hobgoblin miniatures, the Apostles of Gehenna.
You can now pre-order a new set of miniatures from Para Bellum Games for use in their 35mm Fantasy wargame, Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and the skirmish game, First Blood. The Steel Chosen are on the warpath, ready to raid in the name of their Jarls.
Gerry delves into an unboxing of one of the new Starter options for Warmachine, the 35mm Fantasy wargame from Steamforged Games. Here, he reviews the contents of the Cryx Necrofactorium Command Starter which will give you a leg up when it comes to becoming an evil villain!
Para Bellum Games have added a brand new Lore Campaign Pack to their webstore for those wanting to dive into more narratively-driven games of Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings. This time, the focus shifts to the Nords and the Old Dominion in this 35mm Fantasy wargame.
One character has been missing from the previews for the new War Of The Rohirrim line-up and the latest edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Héra, daughter of Helm, has now popped up, ready to take the fight to Wulf and the Usurpers Of Rohan.
Join us this week for a bunch of awesome Oldhammer vibes with a bit of classic Ork terrain and some epic-scale armies. We also dive into a great Full Spectrum Dominance project where tiny armies are coming to life.
In the wake of their Kickstarter for their Orcs Vs Elves Fantasy Skirmish range, Hobday & Hicks have revealed the full title for their supplement. Warhost is getting worked on in the background right now alongside the miniatures range for release in 2025.
Avatars Of War have returned an old plastic set to their range so you can snap it up for budding Chaos armies. The Marauders With Shields, sculpted by the legendary Gary Morley, are now available.
Games Workshop previewed the next big release for Warhammer: The Old World that will be coming soon. The Empire Of Man is galvanising to strike back against the forces of Chaos and Destruction threatening their borders.
Games Workshop took some time to explore more of what's coming out for the Orruk Warclans in Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. The Gloomspite Gitz are getting their brand new range and whilst the Kruleboyz and Ironjawz don't get a massive update, they are getting new rules and a few new miniatures.
The greenskins of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar are going to be getting all manner of awesome new miniature releases from Games Workshop next year. The Gloomspite Gitz are getting a new Battletome and whilst they do still have access to the darkness-dwelling Moonclans, the Gitmobs are ready to ride forth and stick it to ol' Glareface Frazzlegit (the realm of Hysh).
Games Workshop will be taking pre-orders for the new edition of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game this weekend. You'll be able to get your hands on the new Starter Set, the new Rulebooks and more for battling during the War Of The Rohirirm, The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.
Join us this year for an updated three months of wargame terrain-building fun using our Project System! We hope TerrainFest 2024 will inspire and motivate you to elevate the quality of your gaming tables and that by the end of the three months, you won't be playing with shoebox houses and books stuffed under gaming mats!
Games Workshop are taking pre-orders for some new Warbands and additional rules that can be used to enhance your experiences in Warhammer Underworlds. Two new Warbands lead the way for the forces of Order and Chaos.
Games Workshop are taking pre-orders for The Mortal Realms this weekend. Warhammer Age Of Sigmar will play host to the Slaves To Darkness who will be getting a new Battletome and more.
Join John as he shows off how to paint the awesome new Cygnar Warjack, Deuce, from the latest Warmachine Starter Set by Steamforged Games. John goes through the process step by step of painting up your first Warjack and the techniques used here can be used across the rest of your Cygnar force.
Steamforged Games are now taking pre-orders for a massive new miniature for the Cryx faction in Warmachine. The towering Necroharvester will be looming over the battlefields of the Iron Kingdoms, terrifying all in its way.
Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing and review of the amazing new 32mm Fantasy miniature for the Echo Of The Forgotten King from Goblin King Games for Moonstone!
Join us for this week's Community Spotlight as we get a look at some nostalgic Goblins sculpted by one of our community, the building of a Man Cave and some excellent-looking Skaven.
Gerry unboxes and reviews the absolutely massive Maladum: Dungeons Of Enveron Starter Set from Battle Systems. This is a HUGE dungeon-delving adventure in a box, set in a new Fantasy world of Battle Systems' creation. Check out all of the miniatures, terrain and more you get inside.
John shows off how to paint a Khador Razor Warjack from Steamforged Games' new Starter Set for Warmachine. John explains all of the steps that go into painting one of the Khador Warjacks for Warmachine and the techniques used here can be replicated on other miniatures from the Khador.
Oathsworn Miniatures has been previewing so many of the new miniatures coming as part of the new Starter Set next year that will sit alongside the new edition of Burrows & Badgers. As always, the miniatures are gorgeous and perfect for those wanting a bit of a Redwall-esque kick.
Gerry and Shay dive into learning to play Warmachine from Steamforged Games, the epic 35mm Fantasy game set in the Iron Kingdoms and Immoren, using the Starter Set. Join us as we learn how to play the game, going through the basic mechanics and seeing how both Cygnar and Khador play.
Join us this week for some awesome apes that are taking over the planet, a grimdark fighting pit and some fun terrain showcasing neat skills!
Another Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game reveal popped up from the folks at Games Workshop this week. The War Of The Rohirrim set is coming soon and whilst conflict plays out between warring factions within the Rohirrim and evil allies, Orcs and such also play a role!