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UK Games Expo 2022: Sunday Live Blog

UK Games Expo 2022: Sunday Live Blog

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Come and join us for a weekend of awesome fun here at the UK Games Expo 2022 in Birmingham, UK!

Share Your Experiences On Social Media With #UKGamesExpo & #UKGE2022

OnTableTop Live Blogs

Live Blog - Comment To Win!

We are running a series of three Live Blogs over the three days where you'll be able to watch all of the interviews that we do with the folks here at the event.

Friday Live Blog

Saturday Live Blog

Sunday Live Blog

Make sure to follow along as there will often be chances for you to comment on specific videos on the Live Blog in order to win prizes.

Also Watch The OnTableTop Livestream

Watch The OnTableTop Livestream

Over the three days of the UK Games Expo, the OnTableTop team are going to be running a livestream showcasing the best of the UK Games Expo and having some fun too.

Follow Along With The Livestream To Win Prizes!

Tune in over the three days and you can check out the Livestream here, on TwitchYouTube or Facebook and follow along with all the fun and games from this year's event in Birmingham, UK.

Livestream Times

When to watch...

  • Friday - 11am - 4pm
  • Saturday - 11am - 4pm
  • Sunday - 11am - 4pm

We are going to be at the OnTableTop Main Stage in Hall 2 if you want to come and watch us in person and join in some fun and games.

Come Along To The UK Games Expo!

Here is some of the information that you'll want to look out for this weekend.

Make sure to tell us what you're looking forward to this weekend!

UK Games Expo Opening Times

Friday - 9:00am - 6:00pm

Saturday - 9:00am - 6:00pm

Sunday - 9:00am - 4:00pm

You will be able to join us across all three days as we delve into all sorts of awesome goodness from across the gaming spectrum. Tickets are available on the door so if you're inspired to come along, make sure to come along!

Blogging At This Event:

brennon Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
FCostin Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
ShayOTT Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
avernos Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
warzan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

That's It For Another Year! Come Back Next Year For More UK Games Expo!


That’s It For Another Year! Come Back Next Year For More UK Games Expo! We can’t wait to come back and do this all again with you next year. What were some of your highlights folks?

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Shadowborne Games - Dive A Bit Deeper Into Oathsworn & Watch Out For More


We revisit the folks at Shadowborne to learn more about their fantasy game, Oathsworn: Into The Deepwood. The miniatures are amazing and they have done a sterling job with this as they move to fulfil via Kickstarter.

They also have plans for more games in the future so watch out!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Try And Relax With Full Sauna


Everybody loves a really silly game and that’s exactly what Full Sauna is all about. Make sure to check out this game packed out with colourful characters – all render in amazing artwork.

This is a quick and easy card game which introduces a lot of combos into the mix. Check it out on Kickstarter!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Themeborne - Escaping The Dark Castle AND Sector + What's Coming Up?


There are some great games from the folks from Themeborne this year. Escape The Dark Castle and Escape The Dark Sector are some amazing games for you to dive into. If you like old school artwork with modern mechanics – give them a look!

You also have a chat about Strike HQ and what the future holds for this fantastic Historical card game.

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

S C Games Talk Tile Tactics & Knights Of NorthRnd


A neat indie option for you with the folks at S C Games. We have a look at their games including Tile Tactics and then something a little bit more fantastic with the folks at Knights Of NorthRnd.

Could you be tempted to look at more of their work and start adding these to your collection?

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

SlugFest Games Are Showing Off New Game, Dungeon Decorators!


The folks at SlugFest Games are showing off one of their brand new games, Dungeon Decorators. In this tile-laying game, you’re going to be decorating a dungeon for some malevolent overlord.

They are also showing off their classic release, The Red Dragon Inn. This one is REALLY good fun!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

What's New From The Folks At Battle Systems This Year? Maladum (New Fantasy Game!) Is Coming Soon! - WIN A Prize


Dive in and pick up some fantastic terrain from the folks at Battle Systems for you to use in your roleplaying games or perhaps something more skirmish based as well.

If you missed the folks at the UK Games Expo then you can dive in and check them out online. They are going to be diving into a Fantasy game called Maladum soon! Oh and comment to win that Chapel set!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

dVgames Have Been Showing Off Wonderbook And More!


Want to dive into something a little bit different? Check out the pop up Wonderbook from the folks at dVgames which is a fantastic way to dive into a tabletop adventure with some younger adventurers.

Are you a fan of their games? Will you be checking out more from them?

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

The Cognitive Merchant - Want Some Fancy Bracers (like Justin...)?


If you’re diving into the fun at UK Games Expo then you might want some additional RPG and cosplay accessories to make your time tabletop gaming that bit more exciting

Well, how about some bracers like Justin? Do they suit him or should we be thinking about getting him into even more gear just to cover things?

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

DnDice - Accessories & Dice For Those Diving Into Some Tabletop Roleplaying! - WIN A Prize!


If you’re diving into some D&D then you might want to dive in and pick up some brilliant new dice and accessories to aid your favourite roleplaying hero.

It is almost a bit of a shame that these folks aren’t actually selling cheese. I kinda wish that there were cheese dice. Maybe you could win the Dice Booster and Dragon Tray though!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Tinkerbot Games! Fun Little Games Including A Spiritual Successor To Ghostel!


Check out the folks from Tinkerbot Games who have dived into a brand new game that expands on the gameplay and world of Ghostel that you might remember from a few years ago.

The new game is Haunticulture which is coming to Kickstarter in the near future. Monsters doing gardening, how awesome!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Cerberus Studios Are Showing Off Their Stunning Miniatures!


Cerberus Studios have some absolutely fantastic miniatures in their collection that would be amazing for painters and hobbyists out there.

As well as their amazing miniatures, the folks at Cerberus are also working away on a game that SHOULD be coming to the convention next year. Maybe even sooner! Watch out for that!

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Yetser Terrain - Dive In An Check Out Their Terrain + WIN A Prize!


These folks have been doing some great work when it comes to wargaming terrain. You can dive into some great 3D printing goodness with them.

They have great terrain for Sci-Fi gaming including Warhammer 40,000. PLUS, you can also throw in some Space Hulk bits too.

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

It's UKGE Sunday! Join Us For The Last Day + Interview With The Ultimate Games Master!


We’re back for Day THREE of the UK Games Expo here at the NEC. We have LOADS more videos for you today AND we’re also looking at getting the awards kicked off at 3pm later today!

Make sure to dive into some of the content we have lined up and we’ll see you live and in the liveblog!

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it’s the final countdown, da, da, da, da
da, da, da, da, da etc

Cult of Games Member

Is that BoJo with the facemask on?


Moonstone looks like a combo of some skirmish games ive played with elements of d and d


i hope for moonstone they add like an undead/monster style faction. so not just zxombies and skeletons and vampires, but monsters from folklore like big foot/yeti, werewolves, hound of the baskervilles that sort of thing


They already have a variety of undeadish characters check out the leshavult and dominion factions for a look


i didnt see them on the website so thats why i thought it would be a good idea lol


because of the way they’re boxed and the fact that it’s not a traditional fantasy game they’re easy to miss. I’m home now so I can add links

Cult of Games Member

some classic hammer horror monster type things would be cool in moonstone

Cult of Games Member

Character for Moonstone, a thin plate tall, spindly man who walks around whispering into people ears either encouraging them, if on their team, or dipping poison into the opponents ears. He spreads lies and deceptions. He is strong in will power but very weak in combat. Her would rather think his way out of a combat that physically hit there


Moonstone competition, new character – Eilidh Guardian of Brigadoon a highland girl with a claymore and flintlock pistol, kilt and pirate floppy hat. They think her weak but she is plucky and fast with a glint in her dangerous eye.


My moonstone character concept is for the dominion humans, following the Duchess’s masquerade theme I would like a character names Kristen the daring, Her masquerade features a raven style mask and what sets her apart is her canvas foldout wings decorated with raven feathers, taking to the sky with her rapier Kristen nips in and out of combat. (I also love the idea of giving the character wings but a lil pokey sword for a weapon)

Cult of Games Member

the one thing missing from Moonstone : OTTers … (and maybe a badger, ’cause Ben)


Like the look of the BattleSystems game. Wouldn’t mind getting in on that competition.


Moonstone needs Elephant Shrew rappers in MC Hammer pants


Highlight of the stream is Justin with Big Potato Games. Hotdog vs Chicken I would not stop laughting pity they did not keep cutting back to the studio with warren.


Warloard Games, i’d like some of that WW2 goodness please! The Half Track looks brilliant!


Love the versatility of the new ‘250’ kit from Warlord.


Aconyte Books: I’d like to read more adventures in Middle Earth besides the current lore. Maybe in different ages and some set outside of The West.

Or Memoir ’44 novels.

Cult of Games Member

Has moonstone got a Leshen if not it should have. The battle system boards where great really liked them all. The warlord Sd.kfz 250 look a really nice kit wonder if they will do Hawk the Slayer next

Cult of Games Member

For Moonstone, I’d like to see a young inventor, let’s call him Eddie’s Son, who wears a set of homemade steam powered wings. Somethings they work, sometimes they don’t, sometimes they go a bit wrong and send him shooting off randomly across the table. He persists though, as he’s convinced that once perfected, they’ll make his fortune, so he’ll not entertain the idea of taking them off. He’s got some neat gadgets for extracting moonstones, so he’s pretty good at it, but those wings make getting to them a challenge!

Cult of Games Member

If moonstone is going to add a new character I think it should be the Devils Son-in-Law. His powers grow as the night comes on, also if you find his bride he takes -4 to his stats

Cult of Games Member

I think that a fishing garden gnome type figure would make a great addition to Moonstone.
You could give the figure a card recycling mechanic. Something like “Fish” for a card by randomly picking a card from the discard to add to your hand; then play your turn/attack as normal. Turn ends with discarding a card from your hand.


Just as I was researching and about to take a bite into Dungeons and Lasers, I found this! very cool and would work so much better for my 40k setups. Nice coverage of the Expo!

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