UK Games Expo 2022: Sunday Live Blog

DnDice - Accessories & Dice For Those Diving Into Some Tabletop Roleplaying! - WIN A Prize!
If you’re diving into some D&D then you might want to dive in and pick up some brilliant new dice and accessories to aid your favourite roleplaying hero.
It is almost a bit of a shame that these folks aren’t actually selling cheese. I kinda wish that there were cheese dice. Maybe you could win the Dice Booster and Dragon Tray though!
Wau. Very pretty dice.
Nice dice and those trays are very nice.
Always room for more dice. I bought some metal d20 years ago and save them for important rolls. Not to be droped from a height unless you want a dented table top.
I’m always after a get set of dice
Wow that’s a fabulous stand love the can holder tankard.
i like the red spikey dice
Roll em’ high hit em’ low ??
I’ve bought from them online before. I can really recommend them. Use the link below when buying and signing up and we both get £1.00 store credit after your first purchase. I got 10% off using the code PENANCERPG which I found online at the time. It may have expired by now. Click on the yellow thing in the bottom right corner for more ways to get free store credit too. I’m shilling, but dice are preeeety and who doesn’t like more cheap preeeety dices? I spent about £13 and they threw in a free metal D8 and a sweetie.… Read more »
Shiny dice are the bestest dice 🙂
nice looking dice
So, when he said those gold dice could be used by DM to kill player, he meant in the game, right ? Not the actual player by throwing the dice at them.
Ooh shiny!
when I DM I roll so badly my players think I am faking it, so I will often roll in front of them or lift the DM Screen just so they can see the horror that is my bad rolls. I once rolled for all 5 skeletons at once, and rolled 4 1s and a 2. at least with the gold dice I could at least roll with the bling. so cool .
I mean.. be careful with those metal dice man. They can leave marks lol
That is one chilled out dice salesman!
Great looking dice
shiny dice for the pile yes, yes
You can’t have enough dice
Nice Dice and accessories, is the beer “koozie” available to buy?