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Blood Bowl from Caledor2

Blood Bowl from Caledor2

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Project Blog by caledor2 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 41

About the Project

My blood Bowl teams. Which I paint while I am on vacation in the caravan so progress is slow as I am there only a couple of weeks in the year.

This Project is On Hold

Finishing of the Chaos Chosen

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 0
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Finished painting the models in August.

Done the decals and varnishing and completed the bases.

I also did a little bit of blood effect on some models.

Finishing of the Chaos Chosen

More progress on the Chaos Chosen

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 0
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The second and for now last week of work that I have done on the Chaos Chosen.

This will go on hold for now, until my next trip to the caravan.

The beastmen have all been brought up, I only have to do some work on the skin to get them to same progress as the painting vid I followed. I have done one but I might do some a bit different as I like the darker skin tone.


I have to do more work on the blockers, I only finished one.


I am going to look into doing some extra things to the models, adding some extra details to make them stand more apart from each other but I don’t know yet what.

I have played 2 games, one against orc and one against Dwarves. They were standard games with the teams suggested from the box. It went well, they perform good. It was harder against the Dwarves with all their block rules which gives them a serious advantage.

Chaos Chosen progress

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 3
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The first week has past and the basecoats and washes have been done on all the models.

Chaos Chosen primed

Tutoring 5
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The Reavers will go on hold this year as I picked up a Chosen team.

I primed them already and I have found a painting guide from GW to use for painting them.

And I think to do the skin of the warriors in the tanned painting guide also from GW but I am not a 100% sure yet.

Chaos Chosen primed

Reikland Reavers washed and some of the highlight done.

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 0
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Reikland Reavers washed and some of the highlight done.

Reikland Reavers base colours progress

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 2
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Reikland Reavers base armour

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The colour scheme I used for the Reikland Reavers comes from the rule  book from the core box with a few little adjustments.

Reikland Reavers base armour

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