Stone cold town ruins in the snow
Recommendations: 116
About the Project
So it was a time of awe and uuuh and also some ooooh. And then Twitch paid me 50€ and I bought some Frostgrave terrain from Kromlech. This is it's story. Sort of. Kind of.
Related Game: Frostgrave
Related Company: Kromlech | Bits of War
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Completed
2023-10-06 Day 1
Build all the parts.
2023-10-07 Day 2
And I thought I was so clever. Yes I have some cans of car primer sitting in the garage that I wanted to use for my terrain as I did on my Imperial Depot.
The bloody cans are empty! Why do I keep empty cans?!
Ok, just use colour primer from Army Painter as a test…
The can is out of propellant!
Ok, next plan of action: bow to the wisdom of Gerry and get some shellac from the hardware store, paint it on and then use airbrush primer. But that will have to wait :S
2023-10-07 Day 2 CAN'T WAIT!
Couldn’t wait. Went to the hardware store, got some shellac and a brush and brushed it all on!
Witness me big squirrel in the skies! WITNESS ME!!!
2023-10-08 Day 3 Now with more disaster!
This is to document that sometime projects really go sideways.
I wanted to use my airbrush for the first time in ages. Just putting some grey paint on the pieces. Turned it on and it just didn’t pass any paint what so ever. (Yes I did dilute the paint as per instructions) Took it apart, cleaned it, spray multiple cups of cleaner through it and tried again. And again: nothing. Repeat process and now it’s not even pulling water through.
I increased the pressure but that too only help little to none. I’m not sure where the problem is. Back to normal pressure and no needle in it liquid gets sprayed but no matter how far back I pull the trigger there is no paint coming out. I even changed needle and nozzle to a .5mm setup and still no spray.
The bloody thing is now soaking in airbrush cleaner (the front part up to the cup) and I will try again tomorrow. And “tried and tested tips” are *very* welcome.
2023-10-09 Day 4 Bloody airbrush
Either it’s the paint or the brush or me. Either way, we’re not getting along right now. So screw you you air blowing piece of *redacted*
And off the rattle can goes! Uniform grey all the way!
2023-10-28 It is how late?!
Yeah, totally flocked this one up… should have been, could have been a two week project.
Oh well.
Since Airbrush and I still don’t talk to each other I brought out the big paints and just stippled my way through some browns, light greys, blue greys.
Now everything needs to dry and I need to make a bit pot of wash. Or two. Black and brown and maybe some green.
2023-10-30 Wash, dry and snow.
Getting up “early” on a day of what better way to use your time as to wash all the nicely painted terrain?! Used DIY brown and black washes and I can’t remember the stuff I used for them to save my life.
After half a day of drying it’s time for snow! I thought I keep it simple and just slap on some PVA and baking soda. Looks cool as long as it’s wet.
Once the PVA has dried it’s very… meh.
Will need to add more to that.
2023-10-31 Final Orktober entry
Since PVA and baking soda didn’t really work (dried very translucent) I’ve done what I should have done in the first place. Mix 3 parts soda with 1 part PVA and 1 part white acrylic paint. Paste is now applied. Bonus information: don’t use fast drying PVA. It’s a PITA.
A few hours later. All dried and excess baking soda tapped off. Tomorrow we’ll varnish… I think.
2023-11-01 Finished, done, dusted and pretty pictures!
Done. Almost on time! But I really like how it turned out. 🙂