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Nords Army Project for Conquest

Nords Army Project for Conquest

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Project Blog by robojoel Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 118

About the Project

I started this a Army in December 2022 and painted up the last models last September. I meant to document this as I went along but was basically to lazy. I really love rank and flank games and the scale and aesthetics of Conquest really grabbed me, the gameplay is fantastic and I am hooked on it! I chose Nords because of the Jotnars and wild look of the army, they are a bit of a glass cannon to play but really fun when it all works! There is to much to go into with all the units in terms of painting so I give the generic approach I used for painting here. Obviously there are a huge amount of figures to deal with and often I was batch painting 24 at a time so I really wanted to strike a balance between looking good on the tabletop and retaining my sanity haha. For characters and Jotnars I would use a lot more TLC but fur standard units I would basically do the following: -undercoat black -zenithil 45 degrees Vallejo light grey with airbrush -same but white from above -drybrush edges white This sets up a more refined and detailed base for a 'slapchop' allowing you to batch paint most of the job with contrasts. I then used these colours to keep a theme throughout the army: -Terradon Turquoise, this was my main thematic colour, all units would have this somewhere and would tie the whole army together -browns, snakebite leather, wildwood, gore grunts, cygor. I used a mish mash of these throughout as there were a lot of different brown things worn, I also used just sepia wash on a lot of things like wrappings on weapons. -skin, guillimion flesh (so) contrast then airbrushed with 0.15 needle with lighter flesh tones (various) plus reikland fleshtone washes -gold, nazdreg yellow does a great job of NMM gold easily, then edge hilighted with ice yellow (Vallejo) and a little white. -metal, basilican grey contrast then airbrush with 0.15 nozzle white gray then white finished with white edge highlights. -basing id PVA sand and airbrush armour brown (Vallejo) then dry brush various light browns up to Iraqi sand. Glue a few various army painter grass Tufts and cork bits and finally apply any painter snow powder in patches. Fur the characters and Jotnars in used a lot more detailed techniques which I will detail there (it just ask me and I'll try to remember lol!) Anyway I really love the final outcome and love this game. Still got a couple of artisan Jotnars to do and will add units as I do them. I'm just starting a Sorcerer kings army and view to be more organised posting it as a project as I complete it if you want to look out for it! Again really love the aesthetic!

This Project is Completed

Full army

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

In all their Glory!

You wouldn’t want to see that running at you over a misty snow patched field.

Id shit myself


Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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A mainstay of any self respecting Nord force.

Run them at the enemy

Cause havoc


Oh what a lovely day


Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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They aren’t going to win any Beauty contest

But they will contest objectives for you

That’s what they do


Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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These nutters need some kind of leader right?

Hello Blooded, look at his chonky arms!!!

Bet he dare not crank his hog for fear of ripping it off!

For the characters I thought they looked stupid sat in one corner with three empty base spaces so I used some wall filler. To make little mounds for them with a base sized hole for them to be placed in. Looks cool



Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Stalking is frowned upon in modern society, no one wants to be the next Jill Dando.

In Nord society these creepy sex pests were rounded up and conscripted into units where their predatory skills could be useful


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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These guys are tough, they regenerate, they hit you with sticks.

Sit them on an objective and they are harder to get rid of than fox shit on white denim.

The blue skin was air brushed and finished with a dry brush (same as the ugrs). I chose blue skin because I thought they would be cold.

Fenyr Beastpack

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Definitely good boys.

Popular in Nord culture partially due to there being no law requiring their owners to pick up the litter after they have taken a dump.

No health and safety here, no woke mind virus, no kneeling to a Marxist agenda. Just pure dog shit and death

Bow Chosen

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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These boys ROCK.

An absolute auto take for me.

100 kingdoms HATE them and their auto wound on a one, wear all the stupid armour you want you big fannies.

Love them, pricey though…..


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Big solid boys that can form the heart of your fierce and ideal to accompany your Konningar.

Big old capes though, definitely triple thermal lined, embarrassing really for a Nord not sure why they do it.

Ok a practical note the big cloaks make it an absolute nightmare to fit them all on the bases. Busy busy…

If you like tesolation this is the project for you


Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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K is for Koningar (sp?)

K is for king

I think Koningar might be Danish for king or something.

As much as a monarchy might be a paracitical embarrassment to a modern progressive society, for the Nords he is an essential man on man killing bastard.

King Charles wouldn’t last two seconds in a duel with this guy.

He’d kick his face off, and thank god for that



Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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These fearsome ladies are basically slightly weaker Huskarls.

Should have called them Wifekarls

Or am I assuming their gender or something?

Look leave me alone in not Bernard Manning, it was the best I could do


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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I would make a Vulva joke but I don’t want to get cancelled.

This fine woman is great to lead your Valkyries, BUT DOESN’T HAVE TO.

She has nice heals, defensive abilities and her supremacy ability grants everyone in your force plus one evasion which is AWESOME if you build your list right 🙂


Mountain Jotnar

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Ooof terrible sculpt with lots of massive gaps I was too lazy to fill in.

A lot of this was airbrushed and he looks ok.

Got the artisan resin version sitting ready to be painted at which point this guy will be relegated to gardening duty

Mountain Jotnar

Mountain Jotnar

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Ooof terrible sculpt with lots of massive gaps I was too lazy to fill in.

A lot of this was airbrushed and he looks ok.

Got the artisan resin version sitting ready to be painted at which point this guy will be relegated to gardening duty

Mountain Jotnar


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Dark, brooding, balding yet still clinging on to his long hair.

Just shave it off mate.

Actually this is one of my favourite sculpts!



Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Like bearsarks, but they prefer wolves


Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Like Ulfednars, but they prefer Bears


Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Leg up on a rock

Barbed spear

He means business

I hardly ever take him despite his good looks


Ice Jotnar

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Now we are talking.

What a model, what a price….

Ice T, Ice cube, Vanilla ice.

This guy would batter them all in one go.

Really liked painting him, skin was all airbrushed and the rest was hand blended. I’m especially pleased with the icy spikes which took AGES but I’m sure I came out the other side a better person.

When I’m playing in public people always come over and comment on this model and it inflates my ego.


Sea Jotnar

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
1 Comment

‘when I grow up I want to be

One of the harvesters if the sea

I think before my days are done

I want to be a fisherman’

Not the words of Jesus Christ

The words of Les Claypool of Primus.

I think if the ice Jotnar had a favourite band it would almost certainly be Primus.

I think if Les Claypool played conquest then he would definitely play Nords

I actually used oil paints on some of this, the brown leather and the NMM metal. Prog rock