AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog – Day One

You can join Dawn & Gianna across the next few days as they get stuck into the craziness that is AdeptiCon 2017! This event looks like it's going to be bigger than ever and packed with all manner of awesomeness.
Adepticon Interviews
If you're interested in how all of this came together then we've been following the show preparations in Adepticon Talks which you can watch here.
You can use these as a great way to catch up as you're watching the different videos arrive for the show.
Follow Along & Win A VIG Bag!
Make sure to follow throughout the weekend for interviews with game designers, a look at the different events being run and of course pictures of all of the amazing miniatures we run into.
If you comment on posts here on the Live Blog you could also be in with a chance of winning a VIG Bag from AdeptiCon which is packed (and we mean packed) with all manner of goodies from loads of different companies.
We can't wait and hope you enjoy!
have fun!
Looking at the size of those bags, I trust there was room for a free pair of comfy insoles! It would be a merciful freebie what with all that walking around!
Show us the shinies really have to go one year
Love the Marienburger!
Just another live cool blogging, great then live hobby rules!
Love these live blogs. Shame I can’t be there, I want one of those VIG bags.
Don’t work too hard and forget to enjoy youself
I’m sad that I live so close, but can’t make it this year.
Looks a fantastic show and will sadly probably never get to go, oh well maybe a swag bag would soften the blow
One day I will get there!
I really need to make it to Adepticon it’s not that far from where i live
I so need to make it to Adepticon one of these years.
Enjoy the show. Could you ask CMON about the upcoming GoT-game. Also, if FFG is spoiling some SW destiny, I sure want to know.
Right then Auntie Dawn, show us lots of shiney!
Keep the video coming!
One day I will make it there
Aww man I wish I wasn’t working this weekend so I could at least keep up with the live blog! =/
must be there next year
Wow, just…wow! What a great looking show. A really fantastic showcase for our wonderful hobby.
Show us the shiny!
One of bags, have fun guys.
Is there a possibility to get Duncan Rhodes from GW on the mic?
I hope you get to cover some of the Kings of War events in the tournament hall!
When I’m a millionaire, I’m just going to have to visit Adepticon!
Maybe next year, lol.
I am finally get there about 3:30 on Saturday. I can hardly wait. I have some friends there who already did some ninja shopping for me. I wanted to get the new Infinity manga before they sold out!