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Reply To: Burrows & Badgers Lets play ???

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Burrows & Badgers Lets play ??? Reply To: Burrows & Badgers Lets play ???


Cult of Games Member

@nogbadthebad TBH I’m not expecting to ever be able to do plastics for B&B – we just don’t have the cash! The tooling for a  frame the size of a standard Perry set costs about £23000 from Renedra; we could potentially do a smaller frame for a single customisable mouse for about £12000. Now multiply that by the 40 or so species we’d need to cover!

Plastics really only work when you have lots of start-up money, and are expecting high sales. You need to sell thousands to recoup the initial investment, unfortunately.

So, unless I win the lottery, I don’t think plastics are a possibility – sorry!

But I’ll keep dreaming! 🙂


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