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Reply To: Did you ever stop playing a game system completely and if so why?

Home Forums COG – Green Room Did you ever stop playing a game system completely and if so why? Reply To: Did you ever stop playing a game system completely and if so why?


Cult of Games Member

I’ve stopped playing a few games, but largely due to my health making getting a game in hard.   Additionally:


WHFB is on the back burner currently due to the End Times killing off enthusiasm at my local club and more lately people getting into AoS.


Mordheim I’m currently not playing due to it being in the dormant part of its cycle at my local club; we tend to play a bit then let it rest for a bit (year or more usually) before playing it again.  I’m sure a new campaign will kick off at some point at which point I’ll be playing it again.


LotR due partly to it not being played at my local club and partly due to the first Hobbit film killing my enthusiasm for Middle-earth gaming.  Would like to get back into it at some point once I’ve built the enthusiasm back up.

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