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Reply To: Did you ever stop playing a game system completely and if so why?

Home Forums COG – Green Room Did you ever stop playing a game system completely and if so why? Reply To: Did you ever stop playing a game system completely and if so why?


Cult of Games Member

@steveomega13 – I also got into Dropzone Commander by playing tournaments – mainly the official ‘Invasions’ in Croydon but some in Brighton too.   Except for an initial demo game all of the games I’ve played have been at tournaments.   I’ve never done very well, but have been able to learn the rules and have a great time all the while taking part in the competition.

This is actually faily on -topic as I’ve stopped playing since the tournament scene petered out with the change of ownership, etc.   I’m looking forward to getting some more games in again though when 2nd edition is finally properly released and things get going again.

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