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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river Reply To: Hobby Weekender 27/07 – I live by the river


Cult of Games Member

I kind of loved Harlequins when they were first introduced in 40k / white dwarf.
They don’t feel like a unit/army that would fit in ‘regular’ 40k battles, so they’re kind of perfect for Killteam.
The only negative is that they don’t get as many unit variants as other lists do.
OTOH … they are pretty much the elite close combat specialists as it already.

I’d probably sneek in a Solitaire as their ‘leader’ model (and possibly a few other troop types from their 40k list) just to make it look more visually interesting.
Or at least I would if I had the talent to do diamond patterns and delicate painting these troops demand.

@evilstu : thanks for the nightmare fuel … *eep*

what the heck was that first purple monstrosity ?

I think all of them would make a perfect fit for the a campaign in “The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence” by Venger As’Nas Satanis (yes that’s the name the author uses).
You’ll have to google it, because the contents of his RPG sourcebooks aren’t exactly safe for work.

@tuffyears : nice terrain looking terrain in that Killteam box, isn’t it ?

Did you follow the guide posted on BoW or your own scheme ?


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