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Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming An Iron Man challenge Reply To: An Iron Man challenge



So, in summary this was a fun exercise. I will try and complete a good bit of this and give it a week, maybe, before I attempt a fresh batch. Or, give myself another 24 hours and see how much progress I can do. For now, I will complete: Crow Skull, the Goblin King, and the Warriors of Minas Tirith. That will bring me up to 22% (along with the already completed barricades). This will be in the afternoon (since it technically is tomorrow for me).


What else? After day one and painting for eight hours with normal stuff like the bathroom, coffee, replacing paint water and eating thrown in, my wrists and forearms hurt, and my left thumb felt weird.


I will also work on the skin of the Mordor Orcs after completing the above and the skin of Thorin and Company too. The Goblin Town Goblins I will come to last. I still need to figure out what I want my Orcs army to look like: classical, something Angmar inspired by the GW stock themed army or the one in the War of the Ring book, or perhaps base it on the Shadow of War colour schemes which are a tad brighter (and mildly reminiscent of 1990s GW Orcs, at least the ones on the Minas Ithil level are).


As for the next 100… Necromunda, Star Wars Legion, some Space Marines and Orks, perhaps…


I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this project.

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