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Reply To: If you were in charge of GW now

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions If you were in charge of GW now Reply To: If you were in charge of GW now


Cult of Games Member

I’m one of those that would never have bought into the fantasy game prior to AOS. It just didn’t appeal to me. I could give plenty of reasons but when AOS was released I bought into it. True the original rules where a bit optimistic in their brevity and lack of points, etc. Points aren’t really required but I understand if you want to have a tournament you will need something like points in order to make it have some semblance of fairness.

Of course there are similarities between the games that GW puts out. I don’t think it would be reasonable to expect otherwise. Look at any other company that has multiple games that they have created and you’ll find that many of the rules are transferred across between games. It also makes sense to me that if you try new(ish) rules in one system and you find that they work or are enjoyable that you will transfer them to another one (for example some of the AOS rules have been incorporated in Killteam).

What I find interesting among some gamers is that there seems to be this belief that competitive gaming is where companies make their money. Obviously it is an area that does make money and it certainly dominates the discussions I’ve seen but I’m willing to bet that there are more people that just want to put some models on a table and play some fun games. A miniatures company doesn’t care what you do with their models after you purchase them. If they sit in the closet still on the sprue for the next 10 years they don’t care because they’ve already made their money.

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