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Reply To: If you were in charge of GW now

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions If you were in charge of GW now Reply To: If you were in charge of GW now


Cult of Games Member

I’d do two things

1) I’d bring back Warmaster as a 15mm (rather than the old 10-12mm) game have it set in the End times of the Old World  when pretty much everybody was getting stuck into everybody else. It is a faster game than the old warhammer fantasy battles, lets pweople play with really are scale armies and doesn’t over lap with current fantasy battle games they sell.

2) I’d bring back Squats (or failing that introduce the Demiurge) as a full 40k army so some geriatric old fart in Australia gets to play with space dwarfs in 40k again(it was my first ever army of anything) before he @#$#% dies*

*this isn’t impending (I hope) but I have to wear glasses to paint now …….

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