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Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions World at War 85 – Hex and Counter Kickstarter of cold war grand tactical warfare Reply To: World at War 85 – Hex and Counter Kickstarter of cold war grand tactical warfare



The solo part of the system as it stands now is possible because of the random activation mechanic in combination with the variable length. Basically at the beginning of the game you make up a deck consisting of all the different formations (though some formations have 2 activation cards instead of 1, usually on the NATO side) plus 2 or 3 end turn cards, plus any air support and eventually chaos battlefield (maybe a few others, that I don’t know). You then shuffle and draw cards one at a time. Whenever a formation is drawn, it gets activated. A formation is a pre-set group of multiple counters (which don’t have to be in the same hex at all, but ideally should be within a certain range of the HQ unit).


That, in itself, allows for solo play, but they have announced a Solo Assistant system, which I think is also card driven, as the final stretch goal. Yesterday, they told us in a livestream that the solo assistant will be available as an add on if not reached via stretch goals. I think right now it has a nice value for money. They have unlocked 12 out of 15 stretch goals, including more nationalities, scenarios and geomorphic maps.

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