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@seldon everyone eventually goes the historical route.
Many start with WW 2 … what’s next depends on whatever movie/tv-series got their attention next.
All I need is a good hook and a system that sells the period without requiring a degree in ancient history.
Definitely looking forward to seeing the let’s plays, unboxings and reviews for any system.
Of course the advantage/disadvantage with historical systems is that you can always switch to a new system once you’ve got a decently sized collection.
Skimming through the SPQR FAQ (damn that’s a lot of letters) doesn’t give me the impression of a ‘bad’ game, but more of one that needed more clearly stated rules for people unfamilliar with the (intent of the) system.
A fair few smell like rules lawyers trying to min/max their units within a tournament like setting as opposed to just having fun in a casual game of romans vs gauls.
I never would have assumed that models not in base-to-base contact could fight in melee to be honest.
Are there skirmish rule systems that do that ?
Could this be one of those things that newbies wouldn’t notice whereas those familliar with multiple systems might make mistakes with ?
However if a competing product manages to have less fuzziness and less confusion … yeah, I can see why one would pick that one.
Or if that fuzzyness makes you dislike the era … that’d suck too.
I would add that as a newbie you’d probably be better off picking a system that people are already playing within your area.
Unless you want to start the fire and introduce new people to the hobby. That’s never an easy task.