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Home Forums COG – Green Room Backstage Membership costs? Reply To: Backstage Membership costs?


Cult of Games Member

The subject quite frankly astounds me that it is even called in to question…… actually pisses me off if I am frank.

Hours upon hours of skilled video content, and by skilled I mean crafting, painting, subject matter expertise, comedy.. the list goes on.

Hosting platform for projects and forums

Offers on store purchases

Bootcamps that are just amazing top to bottom.

A team that actually gives a *uck about its customer base… and demands interaction, craves it from us and is there pretty much 24/7

If you visit the site even once a day that is 12p each visit for everything this team does. I am a strong believer of if you are entertained in any medium you should if you can show appreciation for that and often that is best done through money because it is ultimately what helps that medium continue… love is great but love does not keep the lights on.

I see comments all the time about speed of the site, features, functionality…. and yet we question the pittance some of us choose to pay for the service.

For anyone who says they cannot afford it or the money could be spent elsewhere then please do that, life is way more important this like the hobby is a luxury item and thus comes last compare to anything else… those of us that spend a fortune of this hobby I meet your comments of is it worth it, money is blah blah I call bullshit… we spend more than the membership to this great to community on a pot of paint and quite frankly this is worth way more than this….

I think I will have to stop reading this thread because I grow tired of it, for what we choose to pay it is an absolute bargain and I would say the same if it doubled tomorrow.

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