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Cult of Games Member

Yay .. weekend, hobby time. At least as and when I can find a bit of me time 🙂
Need to find a way to fix my trike, because the rear wheel isn’t holding any air inside for long and that’s not good.
I’d do it myself, however because it’s also the wheel with the motor I am going to have to ask a professional bicycle repairman.

I also vow to finish my one armed Nob and start on the next squad of boys.

> 1. Terrain and terrain set-up. Do you just fling it together or does it have to look correct?

Randomly dumping terrain feels wrong … it’s got to have some sort of logic to it.
As for asymetric terrain ? There’s one simple solution : play both sides once.

> 2. I watched a video where they were showing off a starter-set. Are you a straight from the box kind of girl or do you buy a rulebook, a few minis, some other bits, then get going? What do you think about “starter-sets”?

Starter sets ? I love them. A playable game and all the rules (or at least enough to use the army within).
The only thing missing is a willing victim *eh* I mean opponent.

> 3. Did some reading to pass the time. Books to movies tend to not work very well, but is there any you like/love?
Misery … I’d even argue that it is the only one (or at least one of the few) Stephen King books that got a decent movie.

I’ve seen the new version of “It” and while it is a decent movie that doesn’t have that tacky ‘happy ending’ from the 1990 tv-movie it doesn’t feel like something I’d watch again.

> 4. Comedy sucks. Not all, but most. Your favourite double-act(s)?

Does Monty Python count ?

There’s also Rowan Atkinson …


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