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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Euphoria modern terrain bits Kickstarter! Reply To: Euphoria modern terrain bits Kickstarter!



welll the campaing is finished! 10.600 euros, all the strecht goal unlocked less the car, and good sensations at the end

sad to dont get free the postapocalyptic car, but like final present, euphoria team give us the opportunity to get the awasome car in the pledge manager only for 5 euros! but only one for each bakers… not bad 😀

if you join in the KS is a very good and scandal price for a 28mm resin car piece, i will get mine and crush mutant bugs on the wasteland 😀

anyway, good feeling on campaings time and even more at the end… and i get a lot of bits for my mutard gang  table 😀

thank euphoria! and thank to the forum user for putting up with me over the KS XD

urinary for everyone!! 🙂

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