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Reply To: My First Resin Print

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming My First Resin Print Reply To: My First Resin Print


Cult of Games Member

Interesting.  My living situation is up for big changes this year so I’ll likely resist the temptation until after I know where I stand, but at these prices its getting more and more tempting.  Where do we stand on the health and safety aspects?  I’m assuming there are vapours to be concerned about so putting it in a bedroom or where children hang out would be a bad idea?  How noisy is it?  How much space does it want (Equivalent to a pc tower?  A microwave?  I assume you’ll want access from all sides so can’t wedge it between a cupboard and a wall?)  I’m assuming the longer I put off buying, the more the cost will drop and the possible quality will go up.

Cilit Bang should really have chosen another name.  I can’t help but misread that when I see it written.  Too many similar looking letters next to each other (and I have a dirty mind).  By Alcohol I assume you mean isopropanol or methylated spirits?  Stuff we can buy at a hardware store?  Will you be using it by the pint, or just dabbing it on?  I’m curious about hidden ongoing costs.  We only ever discuss the resin and give a token nod to the electricity bill.

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