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Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming print cost SLA vs FDM ? Reply To: print cost SLA vs FDM ?



Either machine will save you more than buying off the shelf, a balance between the two would be better if you want both scenery and high-quality minis so that you can switch as needed. With Patreons and KS solely dedicated to file generation at $10 and less, and even the ability to buy licenses to sell prints to friends or go commercial, it’s very quickly becoming the most cost-effective way to have an agnostic hobby, that will give you a huge amount of content for a much lower cost threshold.

I think we are firmly in at the beginning of print your minis at home, with printers being able to produce high-quality minis for the price of a mobile phone and the files are now out there of a quality to compete with pretty much any miniature range.



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