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Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Friday, my favourite day.

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] Friday, my favourite day. Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Friday, my favourite day.



1. Is there any aspect of the hobby you really want to try but haven’t done yet because you’re somehow afraid of it?

Non metallic metals. I feel like I’d never be happy with it and be constantly adding layers or stripping minis. Though OSL is also a no from me. 😛 Best I will do is let a little glaze seep over onto the edges…

2. What was the most daunting/scaring/intimidating thing (of our hobby) that you’ve done that then turned out to be easy as pie?

Painting faces of Witch Elves (or the Dark Elves of that aesthetic). It took me a while to do it, but once I finally got my Sorceress finished with the make up and such it wasn’t so bad…just time consuming a bit.

3. What aspect/technique in out hobby caught you off guard? (Thinking it would be easy just to have it bite you in the rear end)

Several times I’ve made errors in the number of sub-assemblies… Too often I build a model thinking ‘this is good enough’ then realise there are so many areas that are next to impossible to reach with paint. 😛 Not quite a fixed technique, but still.


As for pledge, work continues on my Aggressors. It’s taking me a LONG time, but the inspiration and inclination just isn’t 100% there at the moment. I really want them to be done soon just to put another update on my project log… I may have to do something that isn’t Ultramarines next to break up the system a bit, methinks.

In other news I recently re-found this gem that I thought I’d share.

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