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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Could Heroquest be finally coming back again? Reply To: Could Heroquest be finally coming back again?



What i honestly don’t understand is why Hasbro does not hand HeroQuest to Wizards of the Coast to make the game set in the Forgotten Realms (to combine the D&D brand with HeroQuest).

I totally expected that to happen after Gamezone proved the market value of the brand, and the fact that Hasbro/Wizards could use the name without permission from the MoonDesign people who have the US trademark on the name.

Of course, Wizards did their own series of dungeon crawlers with only the Dungeons and Dragons brand.  I suspect that the reason they did not make HeroQuest is that they’re unwilling to publish the game without the trademark, and likewise unwilling to paywhatever price MoonDesign wants for it (the name clearly has value).  In the end, the D&D brand by itself is probably enough value.

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