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Community member oriskany says he plays games almost always one scale smaller than what the game is written for. So, Bolt Action designed for 28mm, would be played in 15mm. More space, more moneuvres.

As for Chain of Command, if I remember correctly, Richard says the game is for 28mm, however, the distances for shooting etc. are more like 15mm (so a bit too short for 28mm).

Base your decision on how much space for gaming you have. If you live in a small flat or suchlike, choose 15mm. There are a lot of plastic kits for this. I played BA and CoC with Germans against Russians in 15mm. I use all kinds of vehicle manufaturers, Battlefront etc. and not to forget Zvesda. Zvesda are plastic, not too expensive and very easy to build. Minis are from Plastic Soldier company. If you base the mini one per base, use oversized bases. Oherwise the figurines topple over far too often. I had a coughing fit during a game and … after that many many casualties among the figures, both Russians and Germans. Still, single basing solves the problem of tracking casualties.

For 28mm decide what armies you want to play and of how many figures make for a platoon, then buy stuff. Warlord Games is good. They also have sets with HQ and support. Artizan designs offers sets of four infantry, so it you just need very few minis to bolster your fire teams, that is a good decision. Crusader miniatures are good as well. Artizan and Crusader are metal.

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