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Home Forums Pulp, Punk, Horror & Weird Tabletop Game Discussions Kingdom Death: Updated opinions request Reply To: Kingdom Death: Updated opinions request


Cult of Games Member

I got V1.5 from the second kickstarter and played it through once solo. I stopped after the “normal” campaign ending, so I didn’t play the extra 5 or 10 turns to get to the final boss. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but playing one evening a week took about 7 or 8 months.


1: Is it still good?

Being only 5 years old I don’t think it’s age is a problem. It is so unique it will stay good for quite a while.

2: What’s the campaign experience like?

To be honest I don’t think you’ll get much out of it if you don’t play the campaign. I really enjoyed the settlement building aspect of the game. Don’t focus on individual survivors. They die too easily.

3: How essential are the expansions?

Not essential at all. Play the base game then buy expansions later if you like the game.

4: Are there better alternatives now?

I don’t buy that many games so couldn’t say. Aeon Trespass looks to be very similar, but hasn’t delivered yet.

5: Does it still feel as good when played solo?

I only played solo. A single lantern year (campaign turn) took me about 4-5 hours. I would strongly recommend investing in time savers, such as character trays you can store equipment layouts in and storage trays to make retrieving game parts quicker. Combat is very tactical so without others to point out mistakes or suggest better tactics it can be harder when playing solo.

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