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Not sure what to add to this chaps but wanted to drop in to say I have been reading along 🙂

@jamescutts I’m going to give the stage channel a try for the next one, but I will say the little radio show has been set up to be a one-man show. It’s a really informal CoG get-together for us to chew the fat and listen to some cool music together. It runs late into the evening so it works as best as it can on each side of the Atlantic and really I don’t want to have to ask others to take up roles in it (for moderation etc)

As a one-man show, it has few moving parts and has the least impact on resources and planning etc

Now with it being a one man show, here is my two cents lol

1) It’s supposed to be informal, fun and relaxing – if you are taking it seriously you are on the wrong show.
2) There are a lot of moving parts (technically speaking – running the desk, playlists, monitoring chats and talk and looking for opportunities to push the conversation on etc) to run a little show like this so remember my brain is split between a lot of things going on, not just the topic being discussed.
3) There will always be technical issues and other things that can cause conversations to be broken up, if you rage quit out of the room you are not giving me any opportunity to try and gently guide the conversations etc rage quitting and tantrums are really really unhelpful and distracting as it’s just another layer I’m having to deal with. And again see point 1 – it’s important – if you are throwing a rage during this show its absolutely the wrong show for you 🙂
4) On/Off Topic I try my best to steer conversations etc to keep them relevant, fun, interesting etc – If you just want to have a conversation with another one of the callers go ahead and do that via the PM system in discord. The show should generally be fairly fast flowing and pull in input from around the setup including the chat.
5) Which brings me to the chat, there may be a topic you are not entirely interested in, but please try not to take over the chillout bar with a completely different topic. I’m also monitoring there for input, questions, ideas, opinions etc and heavy side conversations about some other topic complicates that for me.
6) This is the one show we do where you really are basically in my living room. So I would appreciate it if you kept that in mind, again its an informal get-together – heck I sometimes have a tipple with you guys doing it. So imagine us sitting together here having some craic together about gaming and you get the picture. 🙂

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