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Reply To: Where do you draw the line on detailing?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Where do you draw the line on detailing? Reply To: Where do you draw the line on detailing?


Cult of Games Member

The terrain tutor has this triangle on durability/realism/functionality.
It’s something I do try to keep in mind, but there’s still a good bit of realism that can be added on any given project, without comprimising the other two. The deciding factor than becomes: time.

And yeah, I get what people are sayin on what you’re getting from the hobby. When I first started on 40k I had some people I played with who could hardly be bothered with sticking their models together as long as they can put them on the table and roll some dice. Other people don’t even play any games with wat they paint.
I’m somewhere in the middle. Really enjoy everything the hobby has to offer, but I get the biggest when it all comes together on a nice table, with some lovely models, good rules and a challenging, friendly opponent.
But the reality is, it’s easier to get some painting/building done than organise a game.

Is it sometimes not fun? I guess. I certainly need to be in the right headspace to do something creative, but creating something certainly feels more rewarding than playing a computer game or reading a book, much as I like either of those.

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