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It does sound as though you have been particularly unlucky with your miniature choices and what GW then decided to kill off.

If I can give a different perspective, I’m a 50+ year old gamer who first played Rogue Trader in the 80s and have played GW games on and off since. It has opened the door to me for a whole world of games and although I havent liked some editions (9th had far too many rules in different books, bloated command point/strategy card options and I couldn’t really be bothered to play it) 10th edition is really good fun to play. GW, I would dare to say contrary to the hate, listened to the community and brought out the 40k game that the public had been asking for. GW are not perfect, and some decisions made are very frustrating (I have always been an Old World fan and cant get into AoS) but they have given me a lot of happiness in the last 4 decades.

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